Ladies Logic

Friday, June 30, 2006

It's been a bad week or two

for the Dems....first we get Zarqawi and roll up hundreds of cells in the wake of his demise. Then the country rallies behind the Republicans on immigration. Then their favorite ally, the NY Times further unites the country behind the President when they broke the details of a LEGAL program that was catching terrorists and drying up their funding on the front page. Then Howard Dean had a dream.....a dream of a time when life was good for Democrats - a time of rebellion and sit-ins...a time of "tuning in, turning on and dropping out" - a time when Democrats were "in control" and writing legislation....that time - the 1960's.

""We're about to enter the '60s again," Dean said, but he was not referring to the Vietnam War or racial tensions. Dean said he is looking for "the age of enlightenment led by religious figures who want to greet Americans with a moral, uplifting vision.""The problem is when we hit that '60s spot again, which I am optimistic we're about to hit, we have to make sure that we don't make the same mistakes," Dean added."

While Howard was dreaming, shouting matches were breaking out between Senator Clinton's staff and Senator Reid's staff and other Democratic Senators were being targeted by the base for not toeing the ideological line.

There has been so much open fueding going on between the former Vermont Governor and the party leadership on the Hill that no reports are funneling out that Governor Dean has been demoted in a sense. He is no longer the "spokesman" for the Democratic Party, but is now heading up the netroots!

If the Republican Party is serious about adding to their majority, they must strike now, while the iron is hot. It is clear that the conservative bloggers best friend is in a pickle - it remains unclear how long he will retain his chairman ship. His numerous missteps and constant fueding with Senate and House leadership is taking its toll on the party.


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