Ladies Logic

Friday, July 14, 2006

When will we learn?

When will we learn that "self-esteem" does not equate happiness?

"Lessons in happiness are to be introduced for 11-year-olds in state schools to combat a huge rise in depression, self-harm and anti-social behaviour among young people.
Special behavioural techniques imported from the US will be used from September next year in an attempt to make children more resilient in the face of the pressures of 21st century living."

It figures they are importing this nonsense from the US.....

Look, it's really not too difficult. Kids want borders, kids want rules, kids want parents to tell them what is right and what is wrong. They certainly don't want us to be their best friends! They want teachers to teach them subjects like Math and History and Geography, not self-esteem. They certainly don't want teachers to be their best friends either. Rather, let the older kids help the younger to work out problems and only turn to the staff as a last resort.

If you want to curb depression, self-harm and anti-social behavior, tell the kids that the anti-social behavior is unacceptable, but otherwise let them be KIDS. They are not mini-adults to be plugged into set pegs and roles. They need to be allowed to experice life, the good and the bad. They don't want us to live their lives for them, they just want us (parents and teachers) to be there for support (when needed) and to encourage them!

Writen with the assistance of the Junior Logician who just happens to be in the age range mentioned in the article!


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