Be very afraid....
That is the theme of today's Nick Coleman column. Now when it comes to fisking Comrade Nicky, no one does it better (or snarkier) than the guys at KAR, except maybe for my new friend Mitch Berg over at Shot in The Dark. However, as an evangelical Christian (the demon in Comrade Nicky's column today) with a child at Christian camp, I feel duty bound to respond.
"Holy war is coming. Thank you, Jesus.
That's the tone of a disturbing new documentary called "Jesus Camp." The film, by Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady, takes us to a Bible camp called "Kids On Fire," where the children of evangelical Christians are indoctrinated in a militant faith that sees nonbelievers as opponents and secular government as an enemy to overthrow."
Note the early use of "indoctrinated" and "militant faith" in connection to Christians, something that the politically correct doyennes on Portland Avenue would NEVER allow in an article about Islamic madrassas!
"But "Jesus Camp" shows what may be in store for us when millions reject the idea of separation of church and state and want to create a Christian State ready to do battle for Christ.
We get kids in combat fatigues, their faces painted in camouflage colors, who sob, speak in tongues and pray for Jesus to re-make America in his image. Or, more accurately, to re-make it according to the plan of the adults who are turning these children into good little Evangelical mujahaddin."
I knew that old Comrade Nicky wouldn't disappoint - using mujahaddin had to come into play. I know that he could not resist equating evangelical Christians with Islamic jihadists. It was too obvious!
"Pumped up in the Lord, the kids grab hammers and smash crockery labeled "government," sending the shards flying while adult leaders urge them to "give up your lives for Jesus" and "break the power of our enemies in government."
It's not clear who the enemies are, but we know who they aren't: There's a scene showing the kids praying before a cardboard cut-out of President George W. Bush. "
Comrade Nicky is nothing if not predictable! The only surprise here is that it took a whole 5 paragraphs to work President Bush into the column. After all, President Bush is the emobdiment of all that is "wrong" (according to the mullahs of Portland Avenue) with Evangelical Christianity.
"When a precocious 9-year-old girl, on fire for the Lord, accosts some elderly black men and asks what will happen to them when they die, they answer they expect to go to Heaven. Rattled, and without a reason to preach, she walks away and mutters: "I think they were Muslims."
Muslims are the enemy, along with liberals and the shadowy forces of secularism and humanism who want us to believe in evolution and the Big Bang."
HELLOOOOOOOO Comrade!!!!! It is not "Muslims" that are the enemy, it is radical Islam and the radical Islamists are the ones that said FROM THE OUTSET that they consider all Americans to be the enemy. Especially the see, Comrade, evangelical Christians are not the only ones who think that secularism is ruining the world. Let's not forget just WHO stones women for being "unchaste", who torture and imprison gays, who censors what books and movies and music is heard by the people, who has government agencies that dictate what form of religion is practiced in their country. It sure as hell is NOT evangelical Christians!
"All while here, on the prairie, Christian groups were urging voters to "make wise Biblical choices about how to vote in November."
Well, Christians, maybe it's time to pray for peace and to vote not just on Biblical principles, but specifically on New Testament principles, such as the Sermon on the Mount, when Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers."
That may be true Comrade, but Christ also taught that we are to follow God's law AND that we are not to "cling" to this life. In another sermon Christ taught that we can not serve two masters (God and the world) and that we must make a conscious decision on whom we will serve. Maybe if our children knew more about God they wouldn't be shooting each other up on the streets of Amy Klobuchar's Minneapolis!
Lastly, I have to go back to this statement;
"..."Jesus Camp" shows what may be in store for us when millions reject the idea of separation of church and state and want to create a Christian State ready to do battle for Christ."
The Constitution makes no mention what-so-ever of a "separation of church and state". The only mention of church and state (in the Constitution) is the passage in the 1st Amendment that states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;..." The same 1st Amendment that guarantees you the rights to a free press, gives me the right to worship in the manner of my choosing and to raise my child in that manner and anytime your government schools interfere in those rights (which they do with great regularity) they are just as guilty of violating the Constitution as they would be if they were promoting my religion! It works both ways, Comrade...something you would be wise to remember.
"Holy war is coming. Thank you, Jesus.
That's the tone of a disturbing new documentary called "Jesus Camp." The film, by Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady, takes us to a Bible camp called "Kids On Fire," where the children of evangelical Christians are indoctrinated in a militant faith that sees nonbelievers as opponents and secular government as an enemy to overthrow."
Note the early use of "indoctrinated" and "militant faith" in connection to Christians, something that the politically correct doyennes on Portland Avenue would NEVER allow in an article about Islamic madrassas!
"But "Jesus Camp" shows what may be in store for us when millions reject the idea of separation of church and state and want to create a Christian State ready to do battle for Christ.
We get kids in combat fatigues, their faces painted in camouflage colors, who sob, speak in tongues and pray for Jesus to re-make America in his image. Or, more accurately, to re-make it according to the plan of the adults who are turning these children into good little Evangelical mujahaddin."
I knew that old Comrade Nicky wouldn't disappoint - using mujahaddin had to come into play. I know that he could not resist equating evangelical Christians with Islamic jihadists. It was too obvious!
"Pumped up in the Lord, the kids grab hammers and smash crockery labeled "government," sending the shards flying while adult leaders urge them to "give up your lives for Jesus" and "break the power of our enemies in government."
It's not clear who the enemies are, but we know who they aren't: There's a scene showing the kids praying before a cardboard cut-out of President George W. Bush. "
Comrade Nicky is nothing if not predictable! The only surprise here is that it took a whole 5 paragraphs to work President Bush into the column. After all, President Bush is the emobdiment of all that is "wrong" (according to the mullahs of Portland Avenue) with Evangelical Christianity.
"When a precocious 9-year-old girl, on fire for the Lord, accosts some elderly black men and asks what will happen to them when they die, they answer they expect to go to Heaven. Rattled, and without a reason to preach, she walks away and mutters: "I think they were Muslims."
Muslims are the enemy, along with liberals and the shadowy forces of secularism and humanism who want us to believe in evolution and the Big Bang."
HELLOOOOOOOO Comrade!!!!! It is not "Muslims" that are the enemy, it is radical Islam and the radical Islamists are the ones that said FROM THE OUTSET that they consider all Americans to be the enemy. Especially the see, Comrade, evangelical Christians are not the only ones who think that secularism is ruining the world. Let's not forget just WHO stones women for being "unchaste", who torture and imprison gays, who censors what books and movies and music is heard by the people, who has government agencies that dictate what form of religion is practiced in their country. It sure as hell is NOT evangelical Christians!
"All while here, on the prairie, Christian groups were urging voters to "make wise Biblical choices about how to vote in November."
Well, Christians, maybe it's time to pray for peace and to vote not just on Biblical principles, but specifically on New Testament principles, such as the Sermon on the Mount, when Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers."
That may be true Comrade, but Christ also taught that we are to follow God's law AND that we are not to "cling" to this life. In another sermon Christ taught that we can not serve two masters (God and the world) and that we must make a conscious decision on whom we will serve. Maybe if our children knew more about God they wouldn't be shooting each other up on the streets of Amy Klobuchar's Minneapolis!
Lastly, I have to go back to this statement;
"..."Jesus Camp" shows what may be in store for us when millions reject the idea of separation of church and state and want to create a Christian State ready to do battle for Christ."
The Constitution makes no mention what-so-ever of a "separation of church and state". The only mention of church and state (in the Constitution) is the passage in the 1st Amendment that states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;..." The same 1st Amendment that guarantees you the rights to a free press, gives me the right to worship in the manner of my choosing and to raise my child in that manner and anytime your government schools interfere in those rights (which they do with great regularity) they are just as guilty of violating the Constitution as they would be if they were promoting my religion! It works both ways, Comrade...something you would be wise to remember.
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