Wackos abound
I received one of "those" emails today....you know the kind - the grand conspiracy theory kind. Well, I had a little time today so I did a wee bit of research which I will share with you, my friends.
"Institute for Journalism wrote:
From: "Institute for Journalism" bell@ij.net
To: bell@ij.net
Subject: Journalists confirm that Pledge of Allegiance is origin of Nazi salute
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2006 07:15:06 -0400"
You would think that the domain "ij.net" was Institute for Journalism, wouldn't you? It certainly seems that way, but you would be wrong. "ij.net" is the domain for an ISP named "Internet Junction". OK - this has potential...
"Every journalist who has examined the new discovery has confirmed it: The Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of the straight-arm salute used by the Nazis. But most journalists are too timid to tell children about the pledge's putrid past, to display old photographs of the pledge's raised-arm salute, or to explain each child's right to reject the daily robotic chanting. Government's schools will not educate children either."
Every journalist eh? Why are none then named? Oh yeah....out of fear of retribution. The problem is that this is a flat out lie. According to Wikipedia, Italian fascists said the salute originated with the Roman Centurians...Hitler said that it originated with the old Germanic tribes! No mention of the US in there at all...Oh wait - that's part of the conspiracy isn't it...
What the email does not mention is that the salute they allude to, the Bellamy Salute (named after the author of the Pledge - more on him later) was a multi-part process. The salute started with the person bringing their right hand up to their head in a military salute for part of the Pledge, then they would straighten the arm out straight in front of them for the remainder of the pledge! The "Hitler pledge" was nothing more than the arm being raised straight in front of you.
The author, Francis J. Bellamy, was a Baptist minister and socialist. He wrote the pledge in 1892 at the request of a family magazine "Youths Companion". The publisher was looking for something that would help foster national unity at a time when the country was healing from the Civil War.
Back to the email....the email then goes on to quote VERBATIM the webpage of one Rex Curry. Mr. Curry is a lawyer and libertarian who says that the pledge is actually a plot of the Freemasons and the socialists. For example:
"1. Professor Curry showed that the early Pledge to the USA's flag used a straight-arm salute and it was the origin of the salute to the swastika flagunder the monstrous National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis). Frightening photographs are at http://rexcurry.net/pledge2.html
2. The Pledge began with a military salute that then stretched out toward the flag. Due to the way that both gestures were used sequentially, the military salute led to the Nazi salute. The Nazi salute is an extended military salute. http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-pledge.html
3. The person who created the pledge to the USA's flag was a self-proclaimed socialist in the nationalism movement in the USA and he called his dogma "military socialism" and it influenced socialists in Germany, and his pledge was the origin of their salute to the swastika flag. "Nazi" means "National Socialist German Workers' Party." Although the swastika was an ancient symbol, it was also used sometimes by German National Socialists to represent "S" letters for their "socialism," as shown by Dr. Curry (author of "Swastika Secrets"). It is another discovery that has been confirmed by every journalist who has examined it. Hitler altered his own signature to use the same stylized "S" letter for "socialist" and similar alphabetic symbolism still shows on Volkswagens. http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-swastika.html"
There is so much disinformation and twisted reasoning it is mindboggling. Using the swastika to represent an "S" for socialism? That's kind of like saying (which he hints at on his website) that the term SS refers to some sort of super socialism instead of "ShutzStaffel". SIGH....what do you do with people like this? Of course, Mr. Curry is not the only conspiracy theorist (as I wrote about before). But seeing Nazi's and Socialists and the threat of Freemasonry in a simple little poem that confirms your love of country???
Be very afraid. These people vote and influence voters. This country could be in serious trouble.
"Institute for Journalism
From: "Institute for Journalism" bell@ij.net
To: bell@ij.net
Subject: Journalists confirm that Pledge of Allegiance is origin of Nazi salute
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2006 07:15:06 -0400"
You would think that the domain "ij.net" was Institute for Journalism, wouldn't you? It certainly seems that way, but you would be wrong. "ij.net" is the domain for an ISP named "Internet Junction". OK - this has potential...
"Every journalist who has examined the new discovery has confirmed it: The Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of the straight-arm salute used by the Nazis. But most journalists are too timid to tell children about the pledge's putrid past, to display old photographs of the pledge's raised-arm salute, or to explain each child's right to reject the daily robotic chanting. Government's schools will not educate children either."
Every journalist eh? Why are none then named? Oh yeah....out of fear of retribution. The problem is that this is a flat out lie. According to Wikipedia, Italian fascists said the salute originated with the Roman Centurians...Hitler said that it originated with the old Germanic tribes! No mention of the US in there at all...Oh wait - that's part of the conspiracy isn't it...
What the email does not mention is that the salute they allude to, the Bellamy Salute (named after the author of the Pledge - more on him later) was a multi-part process. The salute started with the person bringing their right hand up to their head in a military salute for part of the Pledge, then they would straighten the arm out straight in front of them for the remainder of the pledge! The "Hitler pledge" was nothing more than the arm being raised straight in front of you.
The author, Francis J. Bellamy, was a Baptist minister and socialist. He wrote the pledge in 1892 at the request of a family magazine "Youths Companion". The publisher was looking for something that would help foster national unity at a time when the country was healing from the Civil War.
Back to the email....the email then goes on to quote VERBATIM the webpage of one Rex Curry. Mr. Curry is a lawyer and libertarian who says that the pledge is actually a plot of the Freemasons and the socialists. For example:
"1. Professor Curry showed that the early Pledge to the USA's flag used a straight-arm salute and it was the origin of the salute to the swastika flagunder the monstrous National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis). Frightening photographs are at http://rexcurry.net/pledge2.html
2. The Pledge began with a military salute that then stretched out toward the flag. Due to the way that both gestures were used sequentially, the military salute led to the Nazi salute. The Nazi salute is an extended military salute. http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-pledge.html
3. The person who created the pledge to the USA's flag was a self-proclaimed socialist in the nationalism movement in the USA and he called his dogma "military socialism" and it influenced socialists in Germany, and his pledge was the origin of their salute to the swastika flag. "Nazi" means "National Socialist German Workers' Party." Although the swastika was an ancient symbol, it was also used sometimes by German National Socialists to represent "S" letters for their "socialism," as shown by Dr. Curry (author of "Swastika Secrets"). It is another discovery that has been confirmed by every journalist who has examined it. Hitler altered his own signature to use the same stylized "S" letter for "socialist" and similar alphabetic symbolism still shows on Volkswagens. http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-swastika.html"
There is so much disinformation and twisted reasoning it is mindboggling. Using the swastika to represent an "S" for socialism? That's kind of like saying (which he hints at on his website) that the term SS refers to some sort of super socialism instead of "ShutzStaffel". SIGH....what do you do with people like this? Of course, Mr. Curry is not the only conspiracy theorist (as I wrote about before). But seeing Nazi's and Socialists and the threat of Freemasonry in a simple little poem that confirms your love of country???
Be very afraid. These people vote and influence voters. This country could be in serious trouble.
Every journalist has confirmed the discoveries, eh? Why are you then unable to name one journalist who disputes Dr. Rex Curry's work? Oh yeah....out of fear that you cannot find one to name. The problem is that your comment is a flat out lie. Not only can you not name a journalist who disputes Dr. Curry's work, all you can do is make a fool of yourself by referencing Wikipedia, also known as Wakipedia because it is an anonymous bulletin board that suckers people like you into imagining it is an encyclopedia. You then incorrectly claim that wakipedia states that Italian fascists said the salute originated with the Roman Centurians, and you thereby admit that it only states they "said" it was so, and thus you are not even disputing Dr. Curry's work. You know that wakipedia does not state that the gesture came from Roman Centurians. Then you compound the same admission by stating that wakipedia says that Hitler said that it originated with the old Germanic tribes! Again, you thereby admit that it only states Hitler "said" it was so, and thus you are not even disputing Dr. Curry's work (aside from your relying on Hitler for your illogical claim, and a debunked attribution to Hitler on top of it all). Oh wait - that's part of your conspiracy isn't it? Unable to face the truth. There is so much disinformation and twisted reasoning from you that it is mindboggling. Using the swastika to represent an "S" for socialism? You said that's kind of like saying (which he hints at on his website) that the term SS refers to some sort of super socialism instead of "ShutzStaffel" which you mistate and yet you admit that the SS symbol was used as S-letter symbolism for "SchutzStaffel" and you thereby support Dr. Curry's work again. Would you care to make the same type of comments about the SA, the NSV and even the VW symbol (the letters V & W for "Volkswagen" so that you can admit more in support of Dr. Curry's work? SIGH....what does anyone do with people like you? Of course, you are not the only conspiracy theorist hiding the pledge's putrid past and covering up for socialism. You have already admitted the part about seeing Socialists and in a simple little poem that you admit was written by a socialist. Everyone should Be very afraid of you. You probably vote and influence voters. This country could be in serious trouble.
Dr. Rex Curry - American Historian Laureate lauded by the Dead Writers Club regarding American Heritage and Socialist Symbols, at 8:46 AM
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