Come again?
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sent a letter to the "noble" American people yesterday. Aside from spouting the usual Democratic/MSM talking points, President Ahmadinejad made a couple of statements that just defy belief.
"We all deplore injustice, the trampling of peoples' rights and the intimidation and humiliation of human beings."
Do you really Mr. President? If that is the case, will you be speaking out, any time soon, on this "trampling" of women's rights? Or this instance of "intimidation" of one's critics?
"Both greatly value and readily embrace the promotion of human ideals such as compassion, empathy, respect for the rights of human beings, securing justice and equity, and defending the innocent and the weak against oppressors and bullies."
Perhaps the President would care to comment on the inequities and oppression that are being ordained by his own administration? Remember Salman Rushdie, Mr. President? What dignity is there in having to live in hiding because of a fatwa that came out of your country? Where is the equity for Dr. Wafa Sultan, who receives daily death threats because she does not believe in your version of God? Where is the empathy for her? Where was the "justice" for this 16 year old who was hanged for having a "sharp tongue"? Or for this 13 year old who was impregnated by her brother? What justice is there when a rape victim is stoned to death while her rapist gets off with 150 lashes? Where is the "justice" for this young woman who is facing a death sentence for appearing in an alleged sex film?
You speak of the Palestinian mothers who weep for their lost children. What about the Israeli mother mourning her children - children killed by weapons your government supplied to the Palestinians? Palestinians who continue to launch rockets into Israel, in violation of the numerous peace treaties that the PA has signed. What about the Sunni mother whose child was slain by the Madhi Militaman that your government trained and armed (directly and via your proxies Hezbollah)? What of their pain and loss? Do these mothers love their children any less than the Palestinian mother loves hers? Is their loss any less tragic?
Mr. President - you say you want to live in peace with the rest of the world and yet you make weapons of war. You have stated your "anxieties and concerns". I have already listed many of mine, but here are a few more. I am concerned that your mullahs - your religious leaders - issue death warrants to any and all who disagree with them. I am anxious for my son and his life - growing up under the threat from people you support who have declared that people like us must convert to your religion or die!
Mr. President, if you really mean what you say, you would denounce your religious leaders and give up your nuclear ambition. The fact that you have done neither speaks volumes. I just hope that the world pays more attention to your actions than they do to your meaningless, flowery prose.
"We all deplore injustice, the trampling of peoples' rights and the intimidation and humiliation of human beings."
Do you really Mr. President? If that is the case, will you be speaking out, any time soon, on this "trampling" of women's rights? Or this instance of "intimidation" of one's critics?
"Both greatly value and readily embrace the promotion of human ideals such as compassion, empathy, respect for the rights of human beings, securing justice and equity, and defending the innocent and the weak against oppressors and bullies."
Perhaps the President would care to comment on the inequities and oppression that are being ordained by his own administration? Remember Salman Rushdie, Mr. President? What dignity is there in having to live in hiding because of a fatwa that came out of your country? Where is the equity for Dr. Wafa Sultan, who receives daily death threats because she does not believe in your version of God? Where is the empathy for her? Where was the "justice" for this 16 year old who was hanged for having a "sharp tongue"? Or for this 13 year old who was impregnated by her brother? What justice is there when a rape victim is stoned to death while her rapist gets off with 150 lashes? Where is the "justice" for this young woman who is facing a death sentence for appearing in an alleged sex film?
You speak of the Palestinian mothers who weep for their lost children. What about the Israeli mother mourning her children - children killed by weapons your government supplied to the Palestinians? Palestinians who continue to launch rockets into Israel, in violation of the numerous peace treaties that the PA has signed. What about the Sunni mother whose child was slain by the Madhi Militaman that your government trained and armed (directly and via your proxies Hezbollah)? What of their pain and loss? Do these mothers love their children any less than the Palestinian mother loves hers? Is their loss any less tragic?
Mr. President - you say you want to live in peace with the rest of the world and yet you make weapons of war. You have stated your "anxieties and concerns". I have already listed many of mine, but here are a few more. I am concerned that your mullahs - your religious leaders - issue death warrants to any and all who disagree with them. I am anxious for my son and his life - growing up under the threat from people you support who have declared that people like us must convert to your religion or die!
Mr. President, if you really mean what you say, you would denounce your religious leaders and give up your nuclear ambition. The fact that you have done neither speaks volumes. I just hope that the world pays more attention to your actions than they do to your meaningless, flowery prose.
Your suggestion that the nutcase President Iran is on the same page as Democrats and the US media only paints you as an extremist hatemonger.
Anonymous, at 3:19 PM
Please point to the exact statement that I made that equated the Democrats to the President of Iran. I merely stated that he QUOTED THEM!!!
Now who is the extremist hatemonger?
The Lady Logician, at 3:46 PM
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