The meaning of the word "is"
Do you remember, back with the Mark Foley scandal erupted, the cries for the heads of Rep. Denny Hastert and the head of "anyone" who knew about Rep. Foley's transgressions who did not bring this to someones immediate attention. Well, I wonder why this has not gotten more press then.
"The head of the House Democrats' campaign committee, Rep. Rahm Emanuel, had heard of former Rep. Mark Foley's inappropriate e-mails to a former male page a year before they became public, a campaign committee aide told CNN."
So I am guessing here that "anyone" who knew about this really meant "anyone who is in the Republican leadership"...would that be an accurate statement? Personally given what I know about Illinois politics and Illinois politicians, I am not surprised that Rep. Emmanuel knew about this. Remember that Illinois gave us Richard J. Daley....that is all you need to know about it and the situation.
"The head of the House Democrats' campaign committee, Rep. Rahm Emanuel, had heard of former Rep. Mark Foley's inappropriate e-mails to a former male page a year before they became public, a campaign committee aide told CNN."
So I am guessing here that "anyone" who knew about this really meant "anyone who is in the Republican leadership"...would that be an accurate statement? Personally given what I know about Illinois politics and Illinois politicians, I am not surprised that Rep. Emmanuel knew about this. Remember that Illinois gave us Richard J. Daley....that is all you need to know about it and the situation.
Rep. Emanuel was not in a position to do anything about the Foley scandal. Some of the Republicans who knew what were going on were in a position to stop Foley. The Republicans controlled the House at the time. I am from Illinois and I don't like Rahm Emanuel either, but I don't see how he can be blamed for Foley.
Anonymous, at 2:50 PM
He could have reported it to the Speaker, he could have released it to the press right away. The fact that he HELD the documents for over a year and DID NOTHING says that this was all for political points and that NO ONE (in either party) gave a flying fig about the pages.
The Lady Logician, at 10:54 AM
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