Sure they care.
Phyllis Schlafly brings our attention to this lovely gem floating around the halls of Congress.
"Feminists have cooked up a new plan to raid the U.S. Treasury for more feminist pork. They want Congress to pass the International Violence Against Women Act.
They are using a report issued in October by former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan called "In-Depth Study on All Forms of Violence Against Women." The report is said to be based on interviews with 24,000 women conducted by the World Health Organization.
Who better to introduce the act than Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., the leading advocate of ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women? Biden never saw a U.N. treaty or a radical feminist spending bill that he didn't like. "
As a child of the 1970's, and a woman whose parents raised their girls to not be second fiddle to anyone, I am not afraid to stand up for "my rights" when appropriate. Because I have a position where I can, I am obligated to speak up for women who can not - which is why I write so much about the treatment of women in Islam. With all that said, the last thing women in this country need is a UN dictate that is overseen by countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Nigeria, India and Columbia.
"Pakistan has ratified the U.N. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. That's the country where a tribal council ordered a young woman gang-raped to avenge her brother's crime of being seen with an unchaperoned woman from another tribe. Gang rape is common in Pakistan.
Nigeria has ratified the convention. That's a country where women are stoned to death for the crime of adultery. Islamic law, called shariah, calls for death to women who commit adultery, but a lesser punishment for adulterous men.
Saudi Arabia has ratified the convention. That's the country where 14 girls died inside a Mecca school that went up in flames. Religious police kept rescuers from entering the building because some of the girls were not wearing their head coverings.
Colombia has ratified the convention. That's a country where thousands of women a year are sold into sex slavery. Similar outrages take place in India, Nepal and Thailand, which have also ratified the convention.
All these countries are eligible to sit on the convention's monitoring committee of 23 "experts" who monitor "progress" and order compliance. All U.N. projects to improve the lot of women follow the feminist model: Break up the family, force women into the work force, and send kids to day care. "
Shoot - with that kind of a track record, I'm surprised that Iran isn't on the list.
Ms. Schlafly gets to the dirty little secret of this bill.
"The International Violence Against Women Act is based on the lie that violence against women is the same problem in all countries. Many non-Western countries have social norms that justify abuse (such as genital mutilation, forced marriage, and polygamy), and "international standards" would vastly diminish the rights and benefits U.S. women now enjoy. "
Women here in the US don't need the kind of help the United Nations is offering here. The women that do ned help need help get it from the various church, government and mentoring programs that are available. The truth is, American women are the most fortunate of women in the world. Rather than bring ourselves down to the level of the rest of the world, let's elevate the rest of the women of the world to our level. Let's insist that those societies that treat women as objects and chattel join America in the 21st century when it comes to the treatment of women.
(H/T reader J Ewing)
"Feminists have cooked up a new plan to raid the U.S. Treasury for more feminist pork. They want Congress to pass the International Violence Against Women Act.
They are using a report issued in October by former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan called "In-Depth Study on All Forms of Violence Against Women." The report is said to be based on interviews with 24,000 women conducted by the World Health Organization.
Who better to introduce the act than Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., the leading advocate of ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women? Biden never saw a U.N. treaty or a radical feminist spending bill that he didn't like. "
As a child of the 1970's, and a woman whose parents raised their girls to not be second fiddle to anyone, I am not afraid to stand up for "my rights" when appropriate. Because I have a position where I can, I am obligated to speak up for women who can not - which is why I write so much about the treatment of women in Islam. With all that said, the last thing women in this country need is a UN dictate that is overseen by countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Nigeria, India and Columbia.
"Pakistan has ratified the U.N. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. That's the country where a tribal council ordered a young woman gang-raped to avenge her brother's crime of being seen with an unchaperoned woman from another tribe. Gang rape is common in Pakistan.
Nigeria has ratified the convention. That's a country where women are stoned to death for the crime of adultery. Islamic law, called shariah, calls for death to women who commit adultery, but a lesser punishment for adulterous men.
Saudi Arabia has ratified the convention. That's the country where 14 girls died inside a Mecca school that went up in flames. Religious police kept rescuers from entering the building because some of the girls were not wearing their head coverings.
Colombia has ratified the convention. That's a country where thousands of women a year are sold into sex slavery. Similar outrages take place in India, Nepal and Thailand, which have also ratified the convention.
All these countries are eligible to sit on the convention's monitoring committee of 23 "experts" who monitor "progress" and order compliance. All U.N. projects to improve the lot of women follow the feminist model: Break up the family, force women into the work force, and send kids to day care. "
Shoot - with that kind of a track record, I'm surprised that Iran isn't on the list.
Ms. Schlafly gets to the dirty little secret of this bill.
"The International Violence Against Women Act is based on the lie that violence against women is the same problem in all countries. Many non-Western countries have social norms that justify abuse (such as genital mutilation, forced marriage, and polygamy), and "international standards" would vastly diminish the rights and benefits U.S. women now enjoy. "
Women here in the US don't need the kind of help the United Nations is offering here. The women that do ned help need help get it from the various church, government and mentoring programs that are available. The truth is, American women are the most fortunate of women in the world. Rather than bring ourselves down to the level of the rest of the world, let's elevate the rest of the women of the world to our level. Let's insist that those societies that treat women as objects and chattel join America in the 21st century when it comes to the treatment of women.
(H/T reader J Ewing)
Labels: Feminists, Islam, Logical Ladies, Womens Rights
Wait! Aren't you against violence against women? Don't you use it frequently to bash Muslims? But then you insist that help is there from "various church, government and mentoring programs that are available." Which is it? The help is there and not needed or the help is needed to protect these women from the horrors of Islam?
Life is so confusing, isn't it, Lady?
Anonymous, at 11:14 PM
How do you know that there are no program (other than what the federal government provides)? Are you a woman? Have you ever had to try to use them?
Also, you totally (intentionally?) misrepresent my previous posts. Yes, help is needed and available to western women. Yet there is nothing available to women in Islamic countries. Having said that, who do the so-called "womens" groups go after???? They go after the western countries that do have support for women already!
Life is confusing alright...for hypocritical liberals who can't keep their many stories straight in the face of a troubling reality.
The Lady Logician, at 10:48 AM
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