Ladies Logic

Friday, April 20, 2007

Where are the grown-ups?

Peggy Noonan has her usual grand take on the issues of the day - today her take is on Monday's VTech shootings. What really hit me was her comments on how the "adults" in the situation failed....

"There seems to me a sort of broad national diminution of common sense in our country that we don't notice in the day-to-day but that become obvious after a story like this. Common sense says a person like Cho Seung-hui, who was obviously dangerous and unstable, should have been separated from the college population. Common sense says someone should have stepped in like an adult, like a person in authority, and taken him away. It is only common sense that if a person like Cho leaves a self-aggrandizing, self-celebrating, self-pitying video diary of himself to be played by the mass media, the mass media should not play it and not publicize it, not make it famous. Common sense says that won't help. "

She is right - again. There was a dearth of common sense in this whole horrible tragedy - from the the adults who said that Cho Seung-hui was a danger and did nothing to the press who ran his screeds on nation-wide television spawning scores of "copy-cat" threats.

Read it all and weep for a nation of "grown-ups" who are too afraid of hurting someones feelings to take charge.



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