Who gets sanctuary here?
OK - this post has been percolating for a couple of days now. I wrote about human trafficking in Minnesota last year. I asked at the time where the feminist organizations were then and I say it again now.
"The women came mostly from Mexico and Central America.
When they arrived in Minnesota, the women had their passports and other identifying documents taken away and they were forced into a world of prostitution. In one night, two women serviced more than 80 men in a south Minneapolis house." (emphasis mine)
80 men in one night.....the sound you hear is my heart breaking into a hundred pieces! The truly sickening part, as John at Powerline reports, is that the Minneapolis police refused to participate in the raid because the perps in this raid were illegal immigrants and Minneapolis is a "sanctuary city".
"The investigation and arrests were the product of a collaboration involving federal agencies, Minnesota's Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, and the St. Paul Police Department. Notably absent was the Minneapolis Police Department, notwithstanding the fact that most of the brothels were in Minneapolis. The city sent out emails to reporters explaining why it was AWOL: as a matter of policy, Minneapolis does not participate in investigations of illegal aliens. If the perpetrators of these crimes had been Americans, the Minneapolis Police Department would have been all over them. But apparently, the fact that they are illegal immigrants immunizes them in the eyes of Minneapolis's authorities." (emphasis mine)
Thankfully our Senior Senator, Norm Coleman, is trying to do something about it.
"In an effort to strengthen national security, Senator Norm Coleman yesterday introduced an amendment to the Immigration bill to make sure local law enforcement officials are able to communicate with federal law enforcement agencies regarding suspected immigration violations. Currently, a number of cities throughout the nation are using a loophole to get around Sec. 642 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) of 1996 by instituting ordinances forbidding local law enforcement to even ask the question as to whether a person is in the U.S. lawfully, thereby evading their legal responsibility to report their suspicions to the federal government.
“In a post 9-11 world, it is simply unacceptable for communities to ignore federal laws requiring them to share this type of information with federal authorities. This is not a matter of making state and local governments enforce federal immigration laws, it is simply a matter of closing this loophole that certain cities have created,” said Coleman. “This defies common sense, as the rule of law must apply to both legal and illegal residents. Moreover, we know how crucial it is to connect the dots in order to avert another terrorist attack in this country. The consequences of prohibiting information sharing are too great. To close this loophole, I have introduced an amendment that will ensure the lines of communication are open between local and federal law enforcement officials.”
This "sanctuary city" loophole is atrocious! What about the women that were abused by these perps? Where is their sanctuary Mayor Ryback?
It is stories like this that sour me on the Democratic Party in this country. Oh they say that they are for human rights and safety and security for everyone, but the bottom line is, their actions betray those words. Whether it is in the nations captial, the state capital, or big city USA, the Democrats actions show that they are only for the "rights" and safety and security of the people that are useful to them and when you are no longer useful to them, you are invisible to them.
I do hope that the Civil Society is helping the real victims of this crime. God knows they need all the help they can get.
"The women came mostly from Mexico and Central America.
When they arrived in Minnesota, the women had their passports and other identifying documents taken away and they were forced into a world of prostitution. In one night, two women serviced more than 80 men in a south Minneapolis house." (emphasis mine)
80 men in one night.....the sound you hear is my heart breaking into a hundred pieces! The truly sickening part, as John at Powerline reports, is that the Minneapolis police refused to participate in the raid because the perps in this raid were illegal immigrants and Minneapolis is a "sanctuary city".
"The investigation and arrests were the product of a collaboration involving federal agencies, Minnesota's Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, and the St. Paul Police Department. Notably absent was the Minneapolis Police Department, notwithstanding the fact that most of the brothels were in Minneapolis. The city sent out emails to reporters explaining why it was AWOL: as a matter of policy, Minneapolis does not participate in investigations of illegal aliens. If the perpetrators of these crimes had been Americans, the Minneapolis Police Department would have been all over them. But apparently, the fact that they are illegal immigrants immunizes them in the eyes of Minneapolis's authorities." (emphasis mine)
Thankfully our Senior Senator, Norm Coleman, is trying to do something about it.
"In an effort to strengthen national security, Senator Norm Coleman yesterday introduced an amendment to the Immigration bill to make sure local law enforcement officials are able to communicate with federal law enforcement agencies regarding suspected immigration violations. Currently, a number of cities throughout the nation are using a loophole to get around Sec. 642 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) of 1996 by instituting ordinances forbidding local law enforcement to even ask the question as to whether a person is in the U.S. lawfully, thereby evading their legal responsibility to report their suspicions to the federal government.
“In a post 9-11 world, it is simply unacceptable for communities to ignore federal laws requiring them to share this type of information with federal authorities. This is not a matter of making state and local governments enforce federal immigration laws, it is simply a matter of closing this loophole that certain cities have created,” said Coleman. “This defies common sense, as the rule of law must apply to both legal and illegal residents. Moreover, we know how crucial it is to connect the dots in order to avert another terrorist attack in this country. The consequences of prohibiting information sharing are too great. To close this loophole, I have introduced an amendment that will ensure the lines of communication are open between local and federal law enforcement officials.”
This "sanctuary city" loophole is atrocious! What about the women that were abused by these perps? Where is their sanctuary Mayor Ryback?
It is stories like this that sour me on the Democratic Party in this country. Oh they say that they are for human rights and safety and security for everyone, but the bottom line is, their actions betray those words. Whether it is in the nations captial, the state capital, or big city USA, the Democrats actions show that they are only for the "rights" and safety and security of the people that are useful to them and when you are no longer useful to them, you are invisible to them.
I do hope that the Civil Society is helping the real victims of this crime. God knows they need all the help they can get.
Labels: Civil Society, Illegal Immigration
And we've seen your name all over this.... where?
Anonymous, at 8:46 PM
Well if you would learn to follow a link you just might learn the answer to your question anonymous troll.....
After you follow the link, then may you might want to go through a couple of years worth of archives both here and at www.savagerepublican.com. Once you get done with all of that, come on back and chat.
The Lady Logician, at 9:15 PM
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