I find it curious that the same people behind the attack letter on Joe Repya, the same people behind calls pushing delegates to vote for Col. Repya for Vice Chair (and not the seat he is running for) are crying FOUL over a leak of internal emails to the Star Tribune!
Methinks they are protesting a little too much.
Given how quickly and how close together this things all happened, one can not help but suspect that this is indeed a concerted effort to derail the challenge to the status quo. I mean, how else do you explain the line in the letter that was written on May 31 knew that there was going to be "falsehoods and half-truths" coming in the media?
This kind of campaigning is something that I find to be totally appalling! We need to be above this - WE ARE BETTER THAN THIS!!!!! Or are we? It's all about maintaing power to these folks! Do whatever you have to to get and keep power. To heck with the state or the country.
As I said before....SHAMEFUL! And they wonder why voters are turning away in droves....
Methinks they are protesting a little too much.
Given how quickly and how close together this things all happened, one can not help but suspect that this is indeed a concerted effort to derail the challenge to the status quo. I mean, how else do you explain the line in the letter that was written on May 31 knew that there was going to be "falsehoods and half-truths" coming in the media?
This kind of campaigning is something that I find to be totally appalling! We need to be above this - WE ARE BETTER THAN THIS!!!!! Or are we? It's all about maintaing power to these folks! Do whatever you have to to get and keep power. To heck with the state or the country.
As I said before....SHAMEFUL! And they wonder why voters are turning away in droves....
Oh you poor dear delusional naive thing.
This sort of behavior is what Republicans do to each other, and they've done it since the 1970's. The technical term is "Ratfucking" and it's been in use in the College Republicans to sift out the squeamish from those who demonstrate a willingness to do anything to derail an opponent. Those who are passing out nasty letters about Joe R are soon going to release slime the likes of which you thought you'd never see. Truth and fair play be damned, victory goes to those willing to do anything to win.
It's the GOP way, and you can read a pretty amazing history of it here:
A taste of what these people do:
Swimming with Sharks
by Franklin Foer
Everyone who watched this summer’s race for College Republican National Committee (crnc) chair with any detachment has a favorite moment of chutzpah they admire in spite of themselves. Leading the count are the following: speaking sotto voce of your opponent’s “homosexuality”; rigging the delegate count so that states that support your candidate have twice as many votes as those that don’t; and using a sitting congressman to threaten the careers of undecided voters. I can understand the perverse appeal of each of these incidents. But I cast my vote for the forged letter.
The letter arrived via fax to the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Virginia, on the eve of the crnc convention in June. The three-day convention is attended by student delegates from across the country who, after enduring a four-month campaign filled with importuning, backstabbing, and horsetrading, vote for a chair. Most campaigns culminate with the handpicked establishment candidate inheriting the two-year, $75,000-a-year position without much of a fight. But, this year, the establishment candidate, Paul Gourley – the handpicked successor of the last chairman, who was the handpicked successor of the chairman before him – faced a vigorous challenge from an insurgent, Michael Davidson, a smooth-talking 25-year-old Berkeley grad.
Since the fax appeared unexpectedly in the final days of the race, it created an unmitigated frenzy among the conventioneers. The letter announced that the chairman of the Missouri delegation had completely replaced his state’s official slate of delegates (who all happened to support Davidson). I followed one Missouri delegate, Justin Smith, a slight, fair-skinned student in a gray suit, to a Davidson luncheon with an open-bar, swag-filled gift baskets, and a Tex-Mex spread. He seemed panicked. “I don’t know what’s going on.”
Anonymous, at 8:44 PM
Oh, and if you think none of this has anything to do with the Minnesota GOP, here's a photo of the aforementioned Paul Gourley, posing in an unscripted moment with one of Minnesota's finest GOP fat boys, one Chris Tiedman.
You can thank me anytime for dumbing it down for you folks on the right.
Anonymous, at 8:46 PM
Not very nice, there, anonymous. You seem to have missed the big picture in an attempt to taint all Republicans in what is clearly remarkably uncommon behavior. The only common denominator in all this is that the major media (the Red Star) cooks up these little tempests, and then a few Republicans get suckered into them, making all of us look as nasty and mean, on this one occasion, as the liberals consistently are. It's not exceptional for liberals, you see, but unremarkable standard practice. When Republicans do it, it gets noticed, decried, and corrected, eventually.
J. Ewing
Anonymous, at 5:59 AM
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