Ladies Logic

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Start the Spin Cycle

Well, it has begun. Last week I reported on the change in reporting coming out of Iraq - from the media AND from the legislators. Well the first couple of drips have started to turn into a flow.

"WASHINGTON - One senator said U.S. troops are routing out al-Qaida in parts of Iraq. Another insisted President Bush's plan to increase troops has caused tactical momentum.
One even went so far on Wednesday as to say the argument could be made that U.S. troops are winning.
These are not Bush-backing GOP die-hards, but Democratic Sens. Dick Durbin, Bob Casey and Jack Reed. Even Sen. Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services committee, said progress was being made by soldiers.
The suggestions by them (sic) and other Democrats in recent days that at least a portion of Bush's strategy in Iraq is working is somewhat surprising, considering the bitter exchanges on Capitol Hill between the Democratic majority and Republicans and Bush. Democrats have long said Bush's policies have been nothing more than a complete failure."

Shrugging aside the horrible English, did you notice WHO is admitting that we are making progress? Some of the most vitriolic partisans in the Senate!

There is no denying that General Petraus' surge is working. The Dems are spinning hard now so that they won't look as bad in September when the report finally comes out.

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