Ladies Logic

Monday, August 27, 2007

When up is down

Senator John Warner came back from Iraq this week and gave a press conference. What he said depends on who is reporting the story.

"Sen. John W. Warner, one of the most influential Republican voices in Congress on national security, called on President Bush yesterday to begin withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq in time for Christmas as a new intelligence report concluded that political leaders in Baghdad are "unable to govern effectively."

National Reveiw's Byron York (speaking on Laura Ingraham's show on Thursday) said that the Senator actually called for a "token" withdrawal but also said that he would not vote for the Levin Measure (which calls for a withdrawl date to be set) or in anyway against President Bush's conduct of the war.

"Let the president establish the timetable for withdrawal, not the Congress."

While Senator Warner did send a very mixed message in his press conference, the media's slanted reporting again showed the world that they are no longer the "unbiased watchdogs" that they used to be.

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