Families United
Tomorrow afternoon, several local Democrats/unions (same thing...) will be gathering at the steps of the Capital in order to protest the ongoing successes in Iraq. Thankfully, Merrilee Carlson, Kathy Dunaway and the rest of the Families United For our Troops and their Mission are out to make sure that their soldiers are represented tomorrow. From an email I received today.
Kathy is a union member. She got an email from her union reps yesterday which she also included in her email.
Your tax dollars are going to protest our troops. Doesn't that make you feel all tingly inside?
Seriously - if you support our troops and you are available tomorrow afternoon, won't you please go help Families United speak up for our soldiers who support their mission?
We need everyone to come forward and tell your story of your hero. A number of unions will be holding an anti-war rally at the Minnesota State Capitol tomorrow, Sunday, September 23 at 1 p.m. Here is the email they have sent out. We need all our families, Gold, Blue, Vets, and Proud Americans to contact their congressional leaders, newspapers, media (TV/Radio) and let them know we support our troops and the completion of the mission. MN families - call in to The Patriot
today! AM 1280 - they need to know/share what is going on so we can get
some media attention to how wrong this is. Link to t he program
guide: http://www.am1280thepatriot.com/programguide.asp
If you are a member, like myself ( Kathy Dunaway ) of one of these unions, you need to contact your union and tell them that they do not have permission to speak on
your behalf on the War on Terror and that they should stand with our Troops that
protect their rights to organize and protest!
We are trying to get a press conference set up for tomorrow. Please watch for another email. Respond to myself and Merrilee that you support us and will contact
the union.
We'd also like to get a count of who is in what Union . Please respond using the following email addresses if you belong to that union. Please share this with all your friends who are also members of these unions and wish to be counted in those that do not stand with the union with this protest.
Fed/State/Municipal Employees info@familiesunitedmission.com
AFL-CIO info@familiesunitedmission.com
Minneapolis & Central Labor Councils info@familiesunitedmission.com
Other labor and religious affiliations included in protest info@familiesunitedmission.com
We are working on a plan for Sunday near the capitol - press conference or other. If you are able to attend, please send Merrilee an email so we can know who is available. Merrilee@familiesunitedmission.com
We are sending this nationwide, because each state needs to know this is coming - this does not just affect Minnesota ! If we get responses to the union offices from everyone involved, perhaps we can pull the rug out from under their feet regarding doing this protest. CALL TODAY !
Kathy is a union member. She got an email from her union reps yesterday which she also included in her email.
Unprecedented Coalition Organizes September 23 Rally Against the War
It's not just the usual suspects any more. On September 23 labor unions, religious bodies and non-profits will hold a rally at the state capitol to tell Congress it is time to end the war. Participating groups include: Minnesota ACORN, Minnesota AFL-CIO, the Minneapolis and St. Paul central labor councils, AFSCME, SEIU, the Office for Social Justice of the Catholic Archdiocese, the Methodist Social Ministry Team, the Sierra Club, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Wellstone Action, TakeAction Minnesota, Progressive Majority and more.
No coalition of this breadth has previously come together in Minnesota - nor apparently anywhere else in the country - to end the war. With two-thirds of Americans opposed to continuing the war, and Congress soon to vote on it, this is a tipping point. It is a time to stand up and be counted, and this coalition provides the
opportunity to reach out to a broader cross-section of the public than ever before.
The rally - 1:00 pm on Sunday September 23 - will feature Gold Star Mother Becky Lourey and others directly impacted by the war. Please join us at 1:00 pm, Sunday September 23, at the state capitol!
For more information or a ride, contact Brandon Nessen at Minnesota ACORN - 651-642, 9639, Extension 102.
Your tax dollars are going to protest our troops. Doesn't that make you feel all tingly inside?
Seriously - if you support our troops and you are available tomorrow afternoon, won't you please go help Families United speak up for our soldiers who support their mission?
Labels: Protests, Supporting the Troops
"Your tax dollars are going to protest our troops. Doesn't that make you feel all tingly inside?"
Our tax dollars are going to pay the wages of people who perform services. What right do you have to tell them where to spend it? Once it's paid to them, it becomes THEIRS to do as they see fit with. Who made you the arbiter of where people spend their legitimately-earned take home pay?
I thought you republicans were in favor of economic freedom, but I learn now I was wrong.
Do you get to decide which movies they choose to spend their money on? Which churches they choose to donate to? Whether they buy that green sweater versus the red one? What they do with their time off? What WILL you do when you realize they might spend their own time and money on things YOU disagree with? What about their kids' allowances? Where do they submit their spending requests to you?
How do you earn your keep, lady? What about your spouse? If my money supports that business, don't I get a chance to weigh in where it goes?
I was unaware that economic freedom only belonged to those who toe the LL party line.
By Anonymous, at 8:16 PM
Oh obtuse one.....the unions get their money from members dues and the members dues come from their salary and their salary comes from WHERE??????
I'll wait while you figure that out.
By The Lady Logician, at 8:57 PM
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