Governor Green Jeans Strikes Again!
Yesterday, our "Republican" governor announced a series of big government initiatives designed to asuage his guilt on man made global warming.
Emphasis mine. With all credit to my favorite state legislator, I have a couple of questions for the Governor.....
1) WHERE in the Republican Party of MN platform does it say government should take money from one group of people and give it to another in order to allow them to buy stuff? (all of Section 1)
2) WHERE in the Republican Party of MN platform does it say that Republicans will grow government by adding yet another state bureaucracy? (all of section 8)
3) WHERE in the Republican Party of MN platform does it say that government should use it's bully pulpit to dictate what people can do in their homes or privately owned businesses? (Sect 2.V and Sect 7.K & L)
Now to be fair to our "Republican" Governor, his proposals have been given favorable reviews FROM THE DEMOCRATS!!!!!!
I can not begin to say just how disappointed I am in the Governor. He is making decisions that will adversely affect middle class Minnesotans the hardest and all of it based on on the belief that something we are doing may or may not be warming the planet (I should note that Man Made Global Warming is not proven science - that many people have come forward lately disproving the claims of people like Al Gore and the rest of the global warming zealots).
It is time for the activists of Minnesota to decide....caucuses are in two short weeks! Are you going to stay home and tacitly support this leftward drift or are you going to show up and take back the Republican Party for conservatives!
Now is the time people.....get busy and get to caucus!
Gov. Tim Pawlenty announced several initiatives Thursday designed to encourage solar, wind and other renewable energy projects at the local level and to reduce global warming emissions.
He proposed four changes, including one to authorize local governments to issue $10 million to $20 million in revenue bonds to provide low-interest loans to individuals for "microenergy" projects. Those might include installing solar panels to produce hot water, geothermal equipment to heat and cool homes or businesses, or small wind machines to power homes, farms and schools.
Emphasis mine. With all credit to my favorite state legislator, I have a couple of questions for the Governor.....
1) WHERE in the Republican Party of MN platform does it say government should take money from one group of people and give it to another in order to allow them to buy stuff? (all of Section 1)
2) WHERE in the Republican Party of MN platform does it say that Republicans will grow government by adding yet another state bureaucracy? (all of section 8)
3) WHERE in the Republican Party of MN platform does it say that government should use it's bully pulpit to dictate what people can do in their homes or privately owned businesses? (Sect 2.V and Sect 7.K & L)
Now to be fair to our "Republican" Governor, his proposals have been given favorable reviews FROM THE DEMOCRATS!!!!!!
Sen. Ellen Anderson, DFL-St. Paul and chairwoman of the Environment, Energy and
Natural Resources Budget Division, said any proposals to help homeowners afford energy-efficient projects will be popular among legislators.
"The governor's on the right track; there's nothing bad in what he's proposing, but we just need to do more," Anderson said. She and other legislators are formulating a more comprehensive energy and climate plan, she said.
I can not begin to say just how disappointed I am in the Governor. He is making decisions that will adversely affect middle class Minnesotans the hardest and all of it based on on the belief that something we are doing may or may not be warming the planet (I should note that Man Made Global Warming is not proven science - that many people have come forward lately disproving the claims of people like Al Gore and the rest of the global warming zealots).
It is time for the activists of Minnesota to decide....caucuses are in two short weeks! Are you going to stay home and tacitly support this leftward drift or are you going to show up and take back the Republican Party for conservatives!
Now is the time people.....get busy and get to caucus!
Labels: Global Climate Change, Governor Pawlenty, Nanny Government
I hate to rub it in, but I keep hearing how we need to stick together in the GOP. Pawlenty is so much better than Mike Hatch, right?
In a word, no. Pawlenty serves only Pawlenty.
R-Five, at 5:55 PM
I will admit - I was one of those saying just that during the election. I am sorry to say that I have had a change of heart.
The Lady Logician, at 7:53 PM
I'm afraid that I would have to endorse some of those proposals were I a resident of Minn. but not for any reasons of global warming. Government support of microenergy projects, when multiplied across the entire country, can provide real cash savings for people over the long run and reduce our dependency on foreign oil. There is not "big solution" to our long term energy needs and a lot of pretty smart people are of the opinion that massive numbers of small energy savings are the path to the one big solution. (Or a start toward it.) If politicians stopped framing proposals such as these by draping them in "global warming" cloth and instead dressed them up in a nice, new "use less oil, stupid" suit, they would sell better and start solving some problems.
Jazz, at 4:43 AM
Jazz - I would gladly support it (the support of microenergy projects) IF it were not done at the point of big government sword. IF the Governor were to do this in a manner keeping with the principles of the party to which aspouses "loyalty" he would not take tax dollars from one person in order to give them to others to pay for it...ESPECIALLY when we have bridges (like the 35W Bridge that collapsed in August) that are in dire need of repair.
It is the PRIORITIES that he has made that I take great umbrage with.
The Lady Logician, at 7:10 AM
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