Ladies Logic

Friday, February 01, 2008

Sample Resolutions Part 2

Here is another sample resolution (HT DeputyDot). This one should be filed under Section 8 - Making Government Better - Not Larger.

Resolution for Photo ID
WHEREAS; the right to vote is given to United States citizens by our constitution, Minnesota citizens deserve the knowledge that their elections are fair and honest; and
WHEREAS; there is documented voter fraud throughout the nation, non-citizens have registered and voted in Minnesota. Minnesota’s current election law allows non-citizens to get through the system to register and vote; and
WHEREAS; requiring photo ID at the polls will simplify the requirements for voting and thereby encourage more people to participate; and WHEREAS; requiring photo ID will provide an opportunity for underprivileged Minnesotans to get a bank account and more with a state-issued Photo ID; and WHEREAS; Minnesota makes no exception requiring photo ID to buy over-the-counter decongestants, cigarettes, liquor, and to board an airplane; and
WHEREAS; Minnesota’s current election law allows vouching with no proof from the potential voter of their identity or residence in order to vote; and WHEREAS; Minnesota’s current election laws provide few reliable methods to verify a voter’s eligibility; and
WHEREAS; a state-issued photo ID is necessary for most everything in our world; therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Republican Party supports legislation requiring all voters to show a state-issued photo ID in order to establish eligibility to access a ballot for voting in any federal, state, or local election held in Minnesota.



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