In The Waiting Room
Something to comtemplate while HF 3391 is winding its way through the House.
Is this the kind of care we want for our families?
The Democratic candidates tell us they can provide healthcare for all either mandated or not. It sounds utopian except they don't say how we will pay for it or that the quality and quantity of care will go down as costs go up.
If we think we want universal healthcare first we need to make a few reality checks. It hasn't worked in Britain, Canada, France, Germany, and Russia.
There are some alarming health abuses going on in the United Kingdom recently noted by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and others.
To meet U.K. government targets, which require emergency department patients to be treated within four hours, thousands of patients are kept in ambulances outside the department for hours. Last year, more than 43,000 patients waited for more than an hour before being allowed into the emergency room.
Ambulances that are being used as "mobile waiting rooms" are unavailable to take fresh calls. The Labour government brought in the four-hour standard in an effort to end the scandal of patients waiting in casualty for days (Daily Mail 2/20/08).
Is this the kind of care we want for our families?
Labels: Universal Health Care
This is part of how liberals want to solve the impending social security bankruptcy: lower the quality of health care enough and we will lower the numbers of elderly and disabled to pay social security benefits to. The beauty part is that it can be blamed on someone else.
Anonymous, at 10:19 PM
And yet they accuse Republicans of wanting to starve grandma to death by means testing benefits.....
The Lady Logician, at 7:52 AM
Hey LL, now that hubby's out of state, what are YOU doing for health insurance for you and the kids? Everything here is out of network, and although I know tragedy never befalls the blessed, what do you do when the ER won't take a look at your kid's broken arm?
Or are you happy as a clam with that $1,000 a month COBRA payment?
Anonymous, at 12:29 PM
Well now that's the thing my dear Anonymous don't know what the heck you are talking about. You ASSume that our health coverage is "out of network" but you don't know that for sure now do you?????
The Lady Logician, at 1:24 PM
Oh and I notice that you choose to attack the messenger. Are YOU ok with waiting in an ambulance outside of the Hospital because the hospital can't treat you in the mandated timeframe? ARE YOU?????
The Lady Logician, at 1:25 PM
Of course I don't know that for sure. For all I know, you're a Christian Scientist who refuses health care for your children.
But the point remains that your coverage (and indeed your care), just like everyone else's care is fragile. It can be rescinded at any moment. When you filled out all those forms when you first went on the plan, did you disclose every sprained ankle, every yeast infection, every bout with the flu, every self-treated illness, every doctor visit for the kids? I doubt it, and for not doing so, you have likely (in their minds) defrauded the insurer.
Of course, you'll find out about that little problem the day after the kid's cancer diagnosis and treatment plan gets submitted to them for approval. Here's a Fox News story about the practice. But I'm sure your pain will be blunted by knowing that the person who rescinded your coverage likely received a hefty bonus for doing so.
You remind me more and more of someone living in this dream world where if you do everything you're supposed to, you'll be protected.
Anonymous, at 10:14 AM
"For all I know, you're a Christian Scientist who refuses health care for your children."
So rather than ASSuming that my husband works for a company that employs thousands of people in a dozen or so states and rather than ASSuming that he hasn't changed his official place of residence so that HE is the one "out of market" and rather that ASSuming we are Jehovah's Witness (which refuse any blood product treatments) or rather than ASSuming that we are Muslim (which refuse vaccinations because they believe that they are a plot by the JOOOOOOOS to eliminate them), you ASSume that I am a Christian "kook" who refuses to give health care to kids. That must be some of that much vaunted liberal tolerance I have heard so much about.
"But the point remains that your coverage (and indeed your care), just like everyone else's care is fragile. It can be rescinded at any moment. "
WOW - an attempt at dialog. How encouraging. You are absolutely correct. Which is why reform IS needed.
"When you filled out all those forms when you first went on the plan, did you disclose every sprained ankle, every yeast infection, every bout with the flu, every self-treated illness, every doctor visit for the kids? I doubt it, and for not doing so, you have likely (in their minds) defrauded the insurer. "
Oops - back to snark and ASSumption. How sad.... Private insurers are more interested in the plate in my ankle than whether I sprained it two years ago. They are more concerned about my lifelong allergies than whether I had a cold last winter or not. They are more concerned about my partially torn ACL than they are about the hairline fracture in my elbow from 25 years ago. They are more concerned about the family history of heart attack and high blood pressure that runs in my family than whether my kids bumped their heads in pre-school. They are MORE CONCERNED about potential long term care issues than they are about the day to day bumps, bruises and infections that come and go.
"Of course, you'll find out about that little problem the day after the kid's cancer diagnosis and treatment plan gets submitted to them for approval."
And that in a nutshell shows the difference in you and I. The Logical Husband and I have PLANNED for unexpected healthcare problems (HSA) we have PLANNED our coverage so that we get the most bang for our buck (open enrollment). We did the research on the plans that his employer offered and we found the one that will serve our family best for the most reasonable rates. We even researched to see who had more instances of situations described above so that we could proactively avoid them.
The bottom line is we TOOK CONTROL of our health care, instead of ignoring it until it was too late. And THAT is the difference between you and I, my snarky Anonymous friend. We took control of our lives instead of cedeing control to the "powers that be". It's part of being an adult! It took a little work, but a little work now, instead of playing the victim, pays off for us in the long run.
Oh and do you know why I capitalized the first three letters in the word ASSume every time I typed it? Maybe when you start to think instead of jumping to conclusions you will get it.
The Lady Logician, at 1:07 PM
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