Senate Votes on amendments to "DNA Warehouse" bill
From Logical Lady Sue Jeffers

AMENDMENT #1Amendment to add parent consent requirements for government retention of newborn DNA, and government genetic research using newborn DNA (offered by Sen. Betsy Wergin)
Senate Votes on amendments to "DNA Warehouse" bill (author Sen. Ann Lynch (D-Rochester)SF 3138 (and HF 3438)exempts from the written informed consent requirements of the 2006 Minnesota Genetic Privacy law the following: government genetic testing of newborn citizens, government retention of newborn DNA, and genetic research using DNA from newborn citizens.

780,000 children already in the State's "DNA Warehouse"
73,000 children added each year
42,210 children have already been subjected to genetic research and analysis without parent consent.
The final vote on the SENATE bill (S.F. 3138-Lynch) is expected tomorrow, April 3, 2008.The vote on the House bill (HF 3438-Thissen) could be any day!
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Yesterday's Senate Votes High Rate of Abstaining means Legislators are Worred. They need to hear from you!
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Yesterday's Senate Votes High Rate of Abstaining means Legislators are Worred. They need to hear from you!
AMENDMENT #1Amendment to add parent consent requirements for government retention of newborn DNA, and government genetic research using newborn DNA (offered by Sen. Betsy Wergin)
VOTED NO - opposed parent consent GOP - 0 DFL - Anderson, Bakk, Berglin, Betzold, Bonoff, Carlson, Clark, Cohen, Dibble, Doll, Foley, Higgins, Kubly, Langseth, Larson, Latz, Lourey, Lynch, Marty, Metzen, Moua, Mary Olson (chair of data practices), Pappas, Pogemiller, Prettner Solon, Rest, Rummel, Saltzman, Saxhaug, Scheid, Sieben, Skoe, Stumpf, Tomassoni, Torres Ray.
ABSTAIN(refused to vote) - Dahle (D), Erickson Ropes (D), Koering (R), Olseen (D), Skogen (D), Wiger (D)
VOTED YES - supported parent consent DFL - Sheran, Sparks, Vickerman GOP - Day, Dille, Fischbach, Frederickson, Gerlach, Gimse, Ingebrigtsen, Debbie Johnson, Jungbauer, Koch, Limmer, Michel, Gen Olson, Ortman, Pariseau, Robling Rosen, Senjem, Wergin
ABSENT - Chaudhray (D)(?? - was excused for first 1.5 hours of session), Hann (R), Murphy(D), Vandeveer (R)
ABSENT - Chaudhray (D)(?? - was excused for first 1.5 hours of session), Hann (R), Murphy(D), Vandeveer (R)
AMENDMENT #2Amendment to require destruction of all blood samples that have been illegally retained since the 2006 genetic privacy law went into effect. (offered by Sen. Betsy Wergin)
VOTED NO - opposed destructionGOP - 0 DFL - Anderson, Bakk, Berglin, Betzold, Bonoff, Carlson, Chaudhary, Clark, Cohen, Dibble, Doll, Foley, Higgins, Kubly, Langseth, Larson, Latz, Lourey, Lynch, Metzen, Moua, Mary Olson (chair of data practices), Pappas, Pogemiller, Prettner Solon, Rest, Rummel, Saltzman, Saxhaug, Scheid, Sheran, Sieben, Skoe, Stumpf, Tomassoni, Torres Ray.
ABSTAIN (refused to vote) - Dahle (D), Erickson Ropes (D), Koering (R), Marty (D), Olseen (D), Robling (R), Rosen (R), Sparks (D), Wiger (D)
VOTED YES - supported destruction DFL - Vickerman GOP - Day, Fischbach, Frederickson, Gerlach, Gimse, Ingebrigtsen, Debbie Johnson, Jungbauer, Koch, Limmer, Michel, Gen Olson, Ortman, Pariseau, Senjem, Wergin
ABSENT - Hann (R), Murphy(D), Vandeveer (R)
Labels: MN Legislature
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