Watching What They Teach
Today, like many other school days, the Junior Logician came home from school with a loaded backpack. Unlike most days, he was quite eager to tell me about his day. It seems that CLIMB Theater was at their school today to give a demonstration on.....GLOBAL WARMING! Apparently, their discussion was based on the "fact" that anthoprogenic global warming was real. They told the kids that oceans were rising and would flood the coastal areas, that it will kill the elderly, damage crops...all the usual scare tactics. Oh and it was all their fault because they watch TV and play video games. They were told that "everyone believes in man made global warming". Well, maybe not everyone...
Perhaps the folks at the CLIMB Theater would like to meet John Coleman. Mr. Coleman is a meteorologist who just happens to be the founder of a little known entity called "The Weather Channel". Mr. Coleman called anthropogenic global warming the "greatest scam in history!" Then, perhaps we could move on to Fred Godomski and Paul Knight, Senior Lecturers at Penn State University. They believe that the data is not all in and may actually have been misinterpreted. After that, we can go meet with NASA administrator Michael Griffin who said "I have no doubt that a trend of global warming exists, I am not sure that it is fair to say that it is a problem we must wrestle with". Then we can go on to meet many other folks who are not so certain that anthropogenic global warming is "fact".
Many of the "facts" that CLIMB threw out at the kids have been questioned, starting with the biggie....if man is the cause of global warming, what did man do in the Stone Age the cause the ice that covered most of this great state to melt away (forming our beautiful 10,000 lakes)? How many emissions spewing SUV's and factories existed in the 1400's to cause the Midieval Warm Period?
The real facts....facts that should be what our schools are teaching, is that scientists just don't know what is causing the climate to change. They THINK it could be solar activity, they THINK it could be a lot of things including human activity.
More importantly, this is all the more reason why parents need to be fully involved in what the schools are teaching their kids. Don't take it for granted that their science classes are teaching scientific meathod and curiosity.
I think maybe I will have a chat with the Junior Logician's science teacher tomorrow.
Perhaps the folks at the CLIMB Theater would like to meet John Coleman. Mr. Coleman is a meteorologist who just happens to be the founder of a little known entity called "The Weather Channel". Mr. Coleman called anthropogenic global warming the "greatest scam in history!" Then, perhaps we could move on to Fred Godomski and Paul Knight, Senior Lecturers at Penn State University. They believe that the data is not all in and may actually have been misinterpreted. After that, we can go meet with NASA administrator Michael Griffin who said "I have no doubt that a trend of global warming exists, I am not sure that it is fair to say that it is a problem we must wrestle with". Then we can go on to meet many other folks who are not so certain that anthropogenic global warming is "fact".
Many of the "facts" that CLIMB threw out at the kids have been questioned, starting with the biggie....if man is the cause of global warming, what did man do in the Stone Age the cause the ice that covered most of this great state to melt away (forming our beautiful 10,000 lakes)? How many emissions spewing SUV's and factories existed in the 1400's to cause the Midieval Warm Period?
The real facts....facts that should be what our schools are teaching, is that scientists just don't know what is causing the climate to change. They THINK it could be solar activity, they THINK it could be a lot of things including human activity.
More importantly, this is all the more reason why parents need to be fully involved in what the schools are teaching their kids. Don't take it for granted that their science classes are teaching scientific meathod and curiosity.
I think maybe I will have a chat with the Junior Logician's science teacher tomorrow.
Labels: Global Climate Change
Well, they were wrong about DDT more than thirty years ago, and since then more than 64 MILLION people have died from malaria. If you want more scientific testimony denying global warming, go here
So far I don't think we have a death count on the numbers of people that have starved as a result of biofuels.
Anonymous, at 10:41 PM
Sorry, that url got shortened. It should be
Anonymous, at 11:21 PM
Or maybe your application shortened it. After the last /
it should read, "climate-change.html"
Anonymous, at 11:25 PM
What I want to know is what kind of "demonstration" you can have to show that mankind will cause a catastrophe 100 years from now? If I had been there, I would have simply taken a cold can out of the refrigerator and let it warm up on the counter. I would then ask what happened to the "fizz." The answer is that cold water holds more CO2 than warm water does, and it just so happens that 3/4 of the earth is covered in ... water.
Now we have scientists saying that the oceans have gotten cooler in the last year (the La Nina effect). We have other scientists noting a small but remarkable drop in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Apparently we have NO scientists willing to put 2 and 2 together.
J. Ewing
Anonymous, at 10:06 AM
I should have said "cold can OF SODA" or whatever you Northerners call it.
Anonymous, at 10:07 AM
dear LL,
I want to relate an incident that happened with a young woman patient about a week ago.She'd run off the road near Kalamazoo because of a blizzard dumping a foot plus on I-94.
Had a temp,sore throat wheeze;I saw her Sat night ,with her mother in attendance.The mother a jr high science teacher started in on global warming.I sardonically glanced out side,and she quickly amended it to'climate change'.
I asked her to convert 20 C to F(it's 68 degrees.)When she couldn't,I gently told her she had no business having a strong opinion,let alone proselytizing.She was very upset with me.
Still,it may have been worthwhile
Anonymous, at 9:03 PM
Anybody calling it climate change should be dismissed as a fool and a charlatan. Since there is absolutely nothing in the "theory" (and I use that word VERY loosely) to explain how the planet gets cooler by getting warmer, it's utter nonsense. But of course, considering the "science" of global warming, it is simply typical.
I just found another example from the IPCC report. Talking about the computer climate models, the statement is made that (and I do paraphrase) that there is a very large "uncertainty" in the models because they do not properly account for the effect of clouds, or on the effects of global warming on cloud formation DUE TO GREENHOUSE GAS FORCING. In other words, they cannot account for what clouds do to the climate, know even less about whether global warming creates more clouds or less, and that the whole model is driven by the ASSUMPTION that CO2 will drive temperatures up! Nothing like proving your case by simply assuming it's true!
New studies prove that any warming that is occuring is not due to greenhouse gasses. Other research seems to prove that the oceans are responsible for the increased CO2, not humankind.
Anonymous, at 11:55 AM
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