You just can't make this up.....The tax bill AS INTRODUCED (we are now on the 2nd Engrossment) had a provision that, according to the authors, would include "revenue neutral" property tax relief for most Minnesotans. There was only one problem with that. The property tax relief as written at first would actually INCREASE revenues to the state of Minnesota. Hardly "revenue neutral". The authors (Reps. Lenczewski and Marquardt) didn't even notice this until AFTER staff ran the numbers because Rep. Lanning asked questions. The Revenue Commissioner brought this up in his testimony before the House Tax Committee, as well (at approximately the 3:30 mark).
Reps. Lenczewski and Marquardt had to put forward an author's amendment in order to correct the problem. One has to wonder if the amendment would have been brought forward had Rep. Lanning not brought forward his questions and concerns.
If it were not for groups like the Taxpayers League and talk radio, the people of Minnesota may have never known about this. The local media (which sang the praises of this bill) never reported on the problem. One wonders if they had even read the bill or if they had, were they deliberately hiding such a huge screw up. Either way, they are not doing the citizens of Minnesota any favors.
Reps. Lenczewski and Marquardt had to put forward an author's amendment in order to correct the problem. One has to wonder if the amendment would have been brought forward had Rep. Lanning not brought forward his questions and concerns.
If it were not for groups like the Taxpayers League and talk radio, the people of Minnesota may have never known about this. The local media (which sang the praises of this bill) never reported on the problem. One wonders if they had even read the bill or if they had, were they deliberately hiding such a huge screw up. Either way, they are not doing the citizens of Minnesota any favors.
Labels: MN Legislature
You can't rely on the media to research this stuff. They just aren't interested in anything but supporting liberal positions.
Thank you for taking the time to look into these issues.
Anonymous, at 4:41 PM
Why am I not surprised that things like this happen in politics? Our legislature and senate seems to be so flippant with OUR money that they take from us. I would do a much better job at putting it to good use. Our government long ago lost its relevance to working Americans. Instead of making our lives better, these socialists are threatening our freedoms, taking our hard earned cash, and regulating us to death. We need a true change; we need to elect true conservatives.
tsh, at 12:15 AM
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