Ladies Logic

Thursday, July 03, 2008


One of the hallmark issues of every Democrat running for office this year has been the issue of Iraq. All have campaigned on bringing the troops home immediately regardless of conditions on the ground and the desires of the generals in theater. During every primary debate, the collective candidates were rushing to see who could court the Code Pink, Daily Kos, get us out of Iraq NOW wing of the Democratic Party fastest. Senator Barack Obama was just as guilty as Rep. Dennis Kucinich was in doing so. In debate after debate, Senator Obama stated that he would pull troops out of Iraq by the end of 2009, that Iraq was a "distraction" from a host of other global threats and that it took our eye off of al Qaeda and Afghanistan.

Well today, at a campaign appearance at the Children's Museum in Fargo, ND Senator Obama changed his tune. The NY Times, I think, said it best in their headline "Obama Might 'Refine' Iraq Timeline".

Senator Barack Obama said Thursday the United States cannot sustain a long-term military presence in Iraq, but added that he would be open to “refine my policies” about a timeline for withdrawing troops after meeting with American military commanders during a trip to Iraq later this month.

Fox News has more and MPR actually covered the speech on their "Midday" program. Needless to say, this is not sitting well with the vocal members of the left-roots. What got to me was this comment.

graz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Journal Click to send private message to this author Click to view this author's profile Click to add this author to your buddy list Click to add this author to your Ignore list Thu Jul-03-08 04:08 PM
Response to Reply #4
12. It's a political CLUSTER F. Are you kidding me?
He's going to be painted as a flip-flopper on the CORE ISSUE of his campaign. What. The. F?

Edited for language. To the rabid left, Iraq is STILL the core issue of the campaign. However, what these folks do not understand is that the average Joe and Jane Voter has gotten beyond Iraq. They see $4.00 a gallon gas and the cost of goods and food and services that have gone up as a result of $4.50 a gallon diesel fuel and they see how it is hitting their pocketbook and it is a simple thing for them. To quote the 42nd President....."IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID!" As the cost of feeding and caring for their families go up, as they are faced with falling housing values and the very real possibility that they could lose their homes, the voters are looking for candidates that are discussing this very important issue. That is where Senator McCain has stepped into the gap. His "Lexington Project" was the type of bold step forward that the people of America are looking for. The House Republican Caucus followed with their own plan to expand domestic oil production, in part led by Rep. Lynn Westmoreland.

Senator Obama is changing his position fast and furious on a number of issues. Sometimes so fast that his senior advisers can't keep up with him. It has gotten so bad that even his supporters in the NY Times are commenting on it. This is not going to be good for the Obama campaign because he is stuck between a rock and a hard place. If he placates the far left, he loses the center and the more he tacks to the center, the more he is losing his base on the far left. He can not win with only one of the two and therein lies his trouble...the two are (for now) mutually exclusive. A drift either way is costly to him.

What was once called the "Dog Days" of summer(going into the convention) could become a political junkies paradise. It will be entertaining to see what happens in the next few days as news of this "refined" policy stance spreads.....

Pass the popcorn.

UPDATE: Whiplash indeed. In 5 short hours Sen. Obama started to
backtrack. Even more fun was this quote.

In a second, quickly-scheduled press availability, the Senator insists his position on Iraq has not changed.

“I intend to end this war… That position has not changed. I have not equivocated on that position. I am not searching for maneuvering room with respect to that position.”

Though he also says:

“I have always reserved the right to do what’s best for America’s national interest… I would be a poor commander-in-chief if I didn’t take facts on the ground into account.”

You have to love two distinct policy positions in one presser.

UPDATE #2: Apparently I am not the only one who thinks that "Whiplash" is the appropriate term for Obama's changes. When it's that obvious....



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