Ladies Logic

Monday, July 14, 2008

You Don't Have Jesse To Kick Around Anymore...

At least not this year and at least not until his next book is out. Jesse Ventura aka Governor Turnbuckle, announced tonight that he will not file for a run for the US Senate.

Although his appearance on CNN's "Larry King Live" Monday night had all the trappings of an incipient campaign -- his friend Arnold Schwarzenegger had announced his run for California governor on another national TV talk show, after all -- Ventura squelched weeks of hints that he was planning to enter the arena against Coleman, whose pro-Iraq War record he despises, and Franken, whom he has characterized as an opportunist for returning to Minnesota after years away to run for office.

I know several people said that this latest episode of shameless self-promotion was done just to keep the spotlight on him and to give him free publicity for his book. I certainly can't argue with them - or the featured comment on the Star Tribune story.

Jesse is as Jesse Does

The anti-politician? Jesse is a self-serving Charlatan who is only interested in his own self-agrandizement and ways that he can personally profit by exploiting the office. What a clown...btw...I thought he renounced his citizenship and moved to Mexico?

Self serving indeed. The people of Minnesota have apparently learned that painful lesson all too well.



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