Setting the Tone
Submitted with minimal comment....
HT my co-workers who heard this on the MSNBC stream.
Stay classy Obama supporters...stay just as classy as you are.
HT my co-workers who heard this on the MSNBC stream.
Stay classy Obama supporters...stay just as classy as you are.
Labels: Democrats, Obama Supporters
Wow. The disrespect that many on the left have for their opponents is disturbing. I am grieved that my fellow Americans have exchanged virtue for blind passion. It is amazing that many of us have swallowed the bias and hatred of the media. Where is our sense of dignity when we hold up signs that say "arrest Bush"? May God have mercy on us!
tsh, at 10:17 AM
I love how suddenly "the Tone," bipartisanship... and oh yeah, The Constitution are again important to Republicans.
Hypocrisy at it's finest.
Jason The, at 1:21 PM
Yes because "classy" is much more important than a president that defends rather than fillets our constitution. Such reasoning on your part. Really.
Anonymous, at 1:32 PM
You might want to worry about President Obama's new Attorney General, Eric Holder-- who has left the door open for prosecuting the Bush administration programs of torture and detainee abuse.
Such prosecutions are actually mandatory under the UN convention on torture, which was signed by President Reagan and ratified by Congress.
rmwarnick, at 5:10 PM
Because illegal wiretapping of US citizens, letting a major American city drown, waging war based on his "gut," trampling environmental considerations, torture, letting people die for lack of health insurance, and the wholesale decimation of America's stading in the world collapse under war crimes is nothing - nothing, I tell you! - compared to several rude people.
Anonymous, at 5:17 PM
Jason, most conservatives would never approve of heckling a president in such a dishonoring manner. Even if we don't agree with the policies of someone, does not mean that we act in an uncivilized way. I would have never boo'ed Clinton even though I am ashamed of his conduct in office. To do so is throwing order and love of country out the window for partisan fanaticism!
tsh, at 10:21 AM
Most folks would never go to a rally and yell that Barack Obama was a terrorist and call for his assassination. But it happened, and what can you do about it? Rude people are everywhere.
rmwarnick, at 4:43 PM
Jason - it is hardly "bipartisan" to cry Bush lied either. That is the funny thing about BI partisanship - it runs BOTH WAYS!!!!
Keep defending the indefensible guys. The more you do that the more you continue to poison the well against YOUR GUY and you make it harder and harder for him to ever reach the post-partisan paradise that his supporters claimed to want.
Keep it classy guys!
The Lady Logician, at 9:25 PM
"Even if we don't agree with the policies of someone, does not mean that we act in an uncivilized way."
Maybe you don't, but your comrades in arms do. A man whose political views are almost indistinguishable from those of the Lady, Hal Turner is dreaming of mass murder this week:
On Friday, neo-Nazi threatmeister Hal Turner, amplifying on an earlier posting suggesting that it would be a good thing to use an unmanned drone carrying explosives to attack the crowds, said a mass murder of those attending the festivities “would be a public service.” “I won’t say what may happen Tuesday but I will say this,” Turner wrote on his blog. “After Tuesday, the name Hal Turner may live in infamy. Let it be known that I saw what was necessary and decided to do what had to be done. I make no apology to those affected or their families.”
The frightening blog entry can be found here.
Oh, but at least he didn't boo anyone. Because that would be rude. And we just can't stand for rude.
Anonymous, at 9:26 PM
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