Hope and HUH?
Or - the more things change the more they stay the same (Hat Tip HA)
I would venture to guess that this has disappointed more than a few Obama voter as well....
Detainees being held at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan cannot use US courts to challenge their detention, the US says.
The justice department ruled that some 600 so-called enemy combatants at Bagram have no constitutional rights.
Most have been arrested in Afghanistan on suspicion of waging a terrorist war against the US.
The move has disappointed human rights lawyers who had hoped the Obama administration would take a different line to that of George W Bush.
I would venture to guess that this has disappointed more than a few Obama voter as well....
Labels: President Obama
I think President Obama needs to realize that the world is waiting to see some actions to back up his nice words.
For one thing, the Convention Against Torture requires the U.S. government to prosecute torturers and those who gave the orders. There is no option to NOT pursue charges.
The Military Commissions Act is unconstitutional, and ought to be repealed ASAP. Meanwhile, POW status should be granted to detainees who are charged with a crime.
rmwarnick, at 12:34 PM
Oops. That was supposed to say:
"POW status should be granted to detainees who are NOT charged with a crime."
rmwarnick, at 12:37 PM
And it gets better (or worse depending on your take on the issues)
Gitmo passes Geneva Convention muster... AND (man why can't I find this story) I read somewhere this morning that he is shielding the data gleaned from the Bush wiretaps from the Justice Department or some such. I will find the story and post on it tonight.....
Look - I don't mean to seem like I am gloating, but honestly I said that this was likely to happen as soon as Obama got into office....
The Lady Logician, at 2:40 PM
Gloat as much as you want. What counts is that these issues are brought up again and again. Human rights. International treaty obligations. Violations of the U.S. Constitution.
The self-inflicted damage to America's reputation for supporting human rights is the main reason why we're losing to the Islamic extremists. Right after that comes boneheaded military strategy.
If the Obama administration doesn't fix these policies, then at some point it will be fair to blame President Obama as well as Bush.
One month after Bush left office, I'm sure you're ready to say nothing is his fault anymore. Good luck with that!
rmwarnick, at 3:12 PM
Richard - as much as you may think otherwise, I wish President Obama no ill will - unlike many on the left who wished much ill on President Bush and their counterparts on the right who wish ill on Obama. I disagree vehemently with his policies and I will continue to push a more "center right" set of beliefs.
However, I just wish that people would not just listen to the "pretty speeches" and empty promises. Every politician running for this high of an office - President Obama was no exception. The fact that he has a long track record of voting "present" on the controversial issues should have been a red flag to a lot more voters - ON BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE.
During the primary - I advocated for Senator Clinton because I felt she was the most qualified. She had a record of taking stands on issues - unlike Senator Obama.
"One month after Bush left office, I'm sure you're ready to say nothing is his fault anymore."
You won't get that out of me sir. I had my issues with both Bush's and I will continue to verbally flog them when needed. Can the same be said of the rest of the Obama apologists? He's gone back on a lot of his campaign promises and yet I hear excuse after excuse (usually starting "well Bush.....") Now is his time to stand on his own and so far he is not doing that very successfully.
The Lady Logician, at 4:23 PM
Keith Olbermann discussed the Bagram decision with Arianna Huffington tonight on MSNBC. "It's not a right versus left case," she said. "It's a right versus wrong case."
The point is, Bush's detainee policies were stupid, illegal and harmful to U.S. national security. Let's do something else, please.
LL, it's a bit premature to declare Obama's presidency unsuccessful. Other than deciding not to repeal the Bush tax cuts for the rich right away, what campaign promises has he abandoned?
rmwarnick, at 9:39 PM
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