Ladies Logic

Monday, March 30, 2009

Over-Reacting Again

Where is the common sense in Connecticut?

A Connecticut middle school principal has laid down the law: You put your hands on someone -- anyone -- in any way, you're going to pay.

A violent incident that put one student in the hospital has officials at the Milford school implementing a "no touching" policy, according to a letter written by the school's principal.

East Shore Middle School parents said the change came after a student was sent to the hospital after being struck in the groin.

Principal Catherine Williams sent out a letter earlier in the week telling parents recent behavior has seriously impacted the safety and learning at the school.

"Observed behaviors of concern recently exhibited include kicking others in the groin area, grabbing and touching of others in personal areas, hugging and horseplay. Physical contact is prohibited to keep all students safe in the learning environment," Williams wrote.

Students and parents are outraged. They said the new policy means no high-fives and hugs, as well as horseplay of any kind. The consequences could be dire, Williams warned in the letter.

While I certainly understand the school being concerned about kids being hit in the groin, banning all touching is going just a weeeee bit overboard. I mean is the school going to ban basketball or football in PE class - there is "touching" involved there. Come to think about it, just about any sport is going to require touching if some sort - is the school just going to ban PE altogether?

Here is a common sense thought for Principal Williams - rather than banning touching altogether, how about going after the kid(s) that hit the other kid in the groin in the first place. I would venture to guess that in your school (as there is in the Junior Logician's middle school) rules already in place to prevent assaults of this manner. Shoot if nothing else charge the kid(s) with assault since the child they hit ended up in the hospital....THAT would be the common sense solution to this "problem".



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