See What You Started Governor?
During the last budget biennium Governor Pawlenty, in an attempt to say he stood by his "no new taxes" pledge insisted that his new cigarette tax was really a "fee". "It's a tax" activists on the left and right said - no a "fee" countered the governor...."tax" the activists asserted..."FEE" the governor insisted..."whatever" the activists shrugged as they walked away muttering something about walking and ducks....Well now the Governor's insistence is coming back to bite us all in the wallet yet again.....Representative Karen Clark (DFL-Minneapolis) has authored a pair of bills that, under the guise of being a "health and judicial impact fee" are designed to raise the taxes on beer and alcohol as much as 100%! Rep. Clark's "fee" is supposed to offset judicial fees and alcohol related court costs...right??? After all - the bill's respective titles do imply that. However, half of the fees go to (wait for it....)......
THE GENERAL FUND! This tax is not about offsetting "judicial" or "health" costs due to alcoholism. It's just one more way for the Democrats in the Legislature to pick the pockets of hardworking Minnesotans yet again!
Thanks for the latest sterling example of what the DFL is all about Rep. Clark! We really appreciate it.
THE GENERAL FUND! This tax is not about offsetting "judicial" or "health" costs due to alcoholism. It's just one more way for the Democrats in the Legislature to pick the pockets of hardworking Minnesotans yet again!
Thanks for the latest sterling example of what the DFL is all about Rep. Clark! We really appreciate it.
Labels: Governor Pawlenty, MN Legislature, MNDFL
Is it a tax or is it a fee? A tax, such as the sales tax or income tax, is paid by all of us. A fee targets certain individuals for services, or for products used by a segment of our society. Either way, I am against either one being increased for any reason. We pay enough!
Bill Jungbauer, at 12:03 PM
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Anonymous, at 7:29 PM
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