Can't A Guy Eat His Waffles in Peace?
Oh me, oh my.....what are the Code Pinks going to think about this?
This is yet another one of those campaign promises that President Obama has waffled back and forth on in his short 100 days in office.
Damm - this governing thing is harder than it looks. HILLARIEEEEEE - can Bill come help me?
What???? You mean President Bush was RIGHT???? Your base is not going to like that at all Mr. President. Neither is Speaker Pelosi. Better watch your back sir.....
The Obama administration is moving toward reviving the military commission system for prosecuting Guantánamo detainees, which was a target of critics during the Bush administration, including Mr. Obama himself.
Officials said the first public moves could come as soon as next week, perhaps in filings to military judges at the United States naval base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, outlining an administration plan to amend the Bush administration’s system to provide more legal protections for terrorism suspects.
This is yet another one of those campaign promises that President Obama has waffled back and forth on in his short 100 days in office.
Continuing the military commissions in any form would probably prompt sharp criticism from human rights groups as well as some of Mr. Obama’s political allies because the troubled system became an emblem of the effort to use Guantánamo to avoid the American legal system.
Damm - this governing thing is harder than it looks. HILLARIEEEEEE - can Bill come help me?
Obama administration officials — and Mr. Obama himself — have said in the past that they were not ruling out prosecutions in the military commission system. But senior officials have emphasized that they prefer to prosecute terrorism suspects in existing American courts. When President Obama suspended Guantánamo cases after his inauguration on Jan. 20, many participants said the military commission system appeared dead.
But in recent days a variety of officials involved in the deliberations say that after administration lawyers examined many of the cases, the mood shifted toward using military commissions to prosecute some detainees, perhaps including those charged with coordinating the Sept. 11 attacks.
What???? You mean President Bush was RIGHT???? Your base is not going to like that at all Mr. President. Neither is Speaker Pelosi. Better watch your back sir.....
Labels: President Bush, President Obama
Put another way, it's alot easier being the lippy little brat than being an adult policymaker.
Gary Gross, at 7:02 PM
The military commission at Guantanamo was a total kangaroo court, a mockery of any notion of justice. It was concocted by the most incompetent administration in our lifetimes.
While it may be possible to put together a different military commission under new rules, better to forget it and restore habeas corpus (i.e. repeal the MCA).
The right argues that the federal courts and prison system would be overwhelmed by the burden of trying and incarcerating 240 detainees from Guantanamo. What nonsense. There are 2.3 million people behind bars in America.
rmwarnick, at 10:07 AM
Let me cite facts. Before it was suspended by President Obama, the Guantanamo military commission convicted a grand total of TWO alleged terrorists. Both pleaded guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for repatriation and release.
rmwarnick, at 11:08 AM
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