Let Gthe Spin Begin
I had to do a double take when I saw this headline on my LATimes daily email the other day.
Now to be fair to the President both parties are playing buzzword bait and switch of late. But to see one of the President's most vocal campaign cheerleaders actually admitting that the White House is engaging in verbal jujitsu will take most moderates aback - and throw many conservatives into a dead faint!
They are doing this in large part because right now the global warming alarmists are losing the debate. Scientist after scientist is proving that there is no consensus - contrary to what the alarmists will tell you. Many real scientists will even tell you that (gasp) the AGW theory has more holes in it than a block of Swiss cheese!
While both sides are engaging in the verbal jujitsu the Democrats have put their money where their "mouth" is on this - investing almost $90,000 on focus groups so far this year!
Which goes back to one of my long standing political beliefs. Don't ever believe what they SAY - do the research and see what they DO. While the flowery rhetoric plays well on the tube, it is how they vote when the cameras are not on them that tell you all you need to know about an elected officials character. Look at the candidates voting record. It will tell you more about the way the person will govern than any speech will ever do.
Reporting from Washington -- In the debate over his top environmental goals, President Obama is backing away from "cap and trade."
Not the policy. It's the phrase itself, deemed confusing by Democratic pollsters, that has all but disappeared from the president's vocabulary of late.
Not the policy. It's the phrase itself, deemed confusing by Democratic pollsters, that has all but disappeared from the president's vocabulary of late.
Now to be fair to the President both parties are playing buzzword bait and switch of late. But to see one of the President's most vocal campaign cheerleaders actually admitting that the White House is engaging in verbal jujitsu will take most moderates aback - and throw many conservatives into a dead faint!
Control the language, politicians know, and you stand a better chance of controlling the debate. So the Obama administration, in its push to enact sweeping energy and healthcare policies, has begun refining the phrases it uses in an effort to shape public opinion.
Words that have been vetted in focus groups and polls are seeping into the White House lexicon, while others considered too scary or confounding are falling away.
Today, aides in Obama's Council on Environmental Quality will meet with a research and marketing group that is promoting an alternative to the phrase "global warming," which some pollsters say fails to capture the idea of greenhouse gases threatening the environment.
They are doing this in large part because right now the global warming alarmists are losing the debate. Scientist after scientist is proving that there is no consensus - contrary to what the alarmists will tell you. Many real scientists will even tell you that (gasp) the AGW theory has more holes in it than a block of Swiss cheese!
While both sides are engaging in the verbal jujitsu the Democrats have put their money where their "mouth" is on this - investing almost $90,000 on focus groups so far this year!
Which goes back to one of my long standing political beliefs. Don't ever believe what they SAY - do the research and see what they DO. While the flowery rhetoric plays well on the tube, it is how they vote when the cameras are not on them that tell you all you need to know about an elected officials character. Look at the candidates voting record. It will tell you more about the way the person will govern than any speech will ever do.
Labels: Democrats, President Obama
One of the things I've just learned about Democrats is that for them, the language is everything. One after another, these groups said that the federal government needed to provide "health care." There was obviously no understanding of what was involved in that, who paid, how much it would cost, who would provide this care, and especially such difficult questions as to how we can "provide" more health care for more people while spending less. No logic, no thought, no critical thinking, just the parroting of the term "health care," which leads you to believe that any legislation with that label, regardless of what it contained, would be supported by these fools.
Republicans need to learn to play this game. "He who names a thing seals its fate."
J. Ewing
Anonymous, at 11:31 AM
Very true. Orwell taught the lesson best. Control the language and you control the debate.
Kermit, at 8:57 AM
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