Two Wrongs...
Yesterday some so-called "pro-life" advocate decided that vengeance was his and he killed late term abortion provider George Tiller as he greeted guests at the door of the church that he attended. I would think it goes without saying that as a right to life advocate myself, I can not condone the shooters actions. I find the taking of this man's life to be as reprehensible as I found Mr. Tiller's "business". Taking an abortionists life is no more acceptable (to a pro-life advocate) than the taking of an child's life!
I have written in these pages before that the taking of a life is contrary to Christian theology (which brings one to wonder about the church that Mr. Tiller attended) but just as his actions were against Christian theology, so to is the killing of this abortionist. Both men have many sins to atone and one can only hope that at some time before his life was ended, Mr. Tiller did repent of his sins - but that is not something that any of us here on earth will know any time soon.
All that said, to use the leftist logic that Bill O'Reilly is somehow responsible for the murder of Mr. Tiller is about as "logical" as blaming Code Pink or Cindy Sheehan for the murder of a military recruiter in Little Rock!
Come on guys - can we please get real here.....
I have written in these pages before that the taking of a life is contrary to Christian theology (which brings one to wonder about the church that Mr. Tiller attended) but just as his actions were against Christian theology, so to is the killing of this abortionist. Both men have many sins to atone and one can only hope that at some time before his life was ended, Mr. Tiller did repent of his sins - but that is not something that any of us here on earth will know any time soon.
All that said, to use the leftist logic that Bill O'Reilly is somehow responsible for the murder of Mr. Tiller is about as "logical" as blaming Code Pink or Cindy Sheehan for the murder of a military recruiter in Little Rock!
Come on guys - can we please get real here.....
Labels: Irrational Arguments
Of course you condemn it. So do most "pro-life" organizations. But do tell us when you have condemned the 14 arsons, 78 death threats, 66 incidents of assault and battery, 117 anthrax threats, 128 bomb threats, 109 incidents of stalking, 541 acts of vandalism, one bombing, and one attempted murder that have been reported over the last ten years or so?
Never, that's when.
Pro-life organizations routinely refer to abortion as "murder," "genocide," and a "holocaust." Their sites post the full names abortion providers, along with home addresses, license plate numbers, photos, the names of children and the schools those children attend.
When organizations convince their followers that God himself has proclaimed that abortion providers are the equivalent of SS officers slaughtering innocents by the millions, tell them that "it's all-out WAR" against pro-choicers and then provide the home addresses and personal information of the "monster" "late-term baby-killer" abortion providers they are supposedly at war against, after-the-fact condemnations ring hollow. You can't act surprised when those followers conclude that it's morally justified to kill doctors.
And being so quick to condemn Dr. Tiller's "business" makes one think that you know little about the conditions his patients faced. Most of them had unspeakably horrible medical conditions that came about during wanted pregnancies gone awry. Here's a blog post that describes one couple's reason for seeing Dr. Tiller:
"One can only imagine the pain borne by a woman who happily carries a child for 8 months only to find out near the end of term that the children were not to be and that she had to make the decision to terminate the pregnancy and go against everything she had been taught to believe was right. This was what my wife had to do."
Who are you to judge?
Anonymous, at 1:53 PM
From what I hear, Dr. Tiller was in the business of saving lives --at the risk of his own. Bill O'Reilly's four-year hate campaign was only a small part of what he had to endure.
rmwarnick, at 5:31 PM
"Never, that's when."
And you know this HOW exactly Anon? Can you see into my heart and mind? Did you suddenly become psychic? You of all people (working at a law firm as you do) should know that this kind of accusation would never stand up in a court of law. So just where's your proof?
Richard - first O'Reilly is a grade "A" a$$ who is only after one thing - his own ratings. But as long as we are talking about years long hate campaigns what ABOUT the hate campaign that Code Pink (et al) have waged against our military. As I asked in the post does this mean that your campaign of hate against the military is RESPONSIBLE for the murder of that recruiter in Little Rock the other day?????
The Lady Logician, at 8:52 PM
When you dehumanize those viewpoints you oppose, you make it easier to call unborn children fetuses and abortionists killers. Then killing isn't killing anymore.
It is just clean-up. This is why those who value life value all life. It is not ours to pick and choose. Soldiers defend us by putting their lives on the line and again are characterized as cold blooded killers and torturers. Disgarding humans because you view them as less so is the ultimate in evil stupidity.
Murder is wrong. The devil is in the details in what each person considers murder.
Racer X, at 3:25 PM
Lady, we aren't in a court of law. Operation Rescue, however, might be seeing the inside of one at some point.
Anonymous, at 4:05 PM
Regardless - you still need to bring some proof of your allegation! HOW DO YOU KNOW that I have "never" condemned attacks on abortion clinics?????
I'll wait.....
The Lady Logician, at 4:17 PM
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