Moral equivelency
This has been percolating in my head for a few months now, but it has taken me a while to get it written down. Much has been said, over the last three years about alleged transgressions of our military (John Kerry and John Murtha) and our President (pick your source) vis a vis the Global War on Terror. What brought this post to fruition were the events of the last couple of weeks. In this timeframe we have killed the man who was responsible for numerous beheadings and bombings of mosques and markets and schools in Iraq - a man responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent Iraqi's - Abu Mousab al Zarqawi, the imprisonment of 8 US servicemen for the alleged murder of one innocent Iraqi man, the allegations of atrocities at Haditha (with 24 Iraqis dead) and the kidnapping and brutalization of Private Kristian Menchaca and Private Thomas Tucker. The thing that brought this all to a head though was this cartoon in the Atlanta Journal Constitution (HT Michelle Malkin)

That the cartoonist would equate what happened at Abu Ghraib with what happened to Privates Tucker and Menchaca is reprehensible. No one was killed at Abu Ghraib, but what was done to our soldiers prior to their being beheaded was the height of barbarity! Gitmo is Camp Cupcake compared to what privations our troops go through while serving in Iraq and is day camp compared to what the terrorists did to the four former Marine/civilian contractors that were murdered in Fallujah 2 years ago. That any reasonable thinking person could equate the two in incomprehensible!
It is stuff like this that leads most people in "fly-over country" to the belief that the press has a ax to grind with the US. It is also what leads many to say "if you don't like it here, move to Canada"...or as was said during Viet Nam - "My country - love it or leave it!" I didn't understand the sentiment behind the saying at the time (early 1970's) but now sadly, I do...

That the cartoonist would equate what happened at Abu Ghraib with what happened to Privates Tucker and Menchaca is reprehensible. No one was killed at Abu Ghraib, but what was done to our soldiers prior to their being beheaded was the height of barbarity! Gitmo is Camp Cupcake compared to what privations our troops go through while serving in Iraq and is day camp compared to what the terrorists did to the four former Marine/civilian contractors that were murdered in Fallujah 2 years ago. That any reasonable thinking person could equate the two in incomprehensible!
It is stuff like this that leads most people in "fly-over country" to the belief that the press has a ax to grind with the US. It is also what leads many to say "if you don't like it here, move to Canada"...or as was said during Viet Nam - "My country - love it or leave it!" I didn't understand the sentiment behind the saying at the time (early 1970's) but now sadly, I do...
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