Ladies Logic

Monday, June 19, 2006

The Party of Tolerance

The proponents of tolerance strike again! This goes beyond the pale of normal discourse!

"Liberals in Lexington Massachusetts have taken to beating up the seven year old children of their political opponents.
This disgusting tactic should be ousted on the front pages of every newspaper across the nation, yet you've heard nary a word about it. "

The story is this....a man objects to his 2nd grader being exposed to the homosexual lifestyle via a "homosexual fairy tale". The father takes his objection to the school superintendent - the superintendent says "your problem - I'm not doing anything to stop it." The father asks for a meeting with the superintendent, who refuses to see the father...who refuses to leave the office until he gets the chance to speak to the superintendent about this. The superintendent calls the police and charged daddy with trespassing! Meanwhile, liberal activists start writing nasty letters to the papers and create a website that says brutal things about the father who simply does not want his child indoctrinated in a lifestyle that he finds inappropriate for the child! When the father filed a lawsuit - the activists took their dispute to the streets outside the courthouse. All of that failed to silence the father, so they took it a step too far...

"That was the day that 10 of these thug-kins grabbed David Parker's 7 year old son, dragged him behind the corner of the school, well out of sight from the school officials, and proceeded to punch him in the groin, stomach, and chest, before he dropped to the ground when they then kicked and stomped on him. Several of the alleged thug-kins were children of the adults who had been protesting Parker, several of them - not even in the same class as Parker's child."

Children of the activists, who had (in some cases) participated in the protests against Father Parker took the fight to Mr. Parker's child - beating the child bloody! The school investigated and discovered that the attacks were pre-meditated - but NO PUNISHMENT was meted out to the attackers.....

Now, if this were my child, there would not only be police charges filed, but there would also be a civil case pending! Adult arguements should never spill over into violence - between the adults or (especially) between their children!

To the superintendent I would say this - I pay your salary. As such, you will talk to me about the education of my child - we are partners in my childs education - you will not usurp your place in the equation! I don't care how many degrees in what you have, you do not live with, you do not know my child and whether or not he is "ready" to learn about homosexuality or not!

Then there is this story!

"A controversial campaign to identify supporters of a constitutional ban of gay marriage in Massachusetts plans to launch a similar website in Florida today."

There you have it - the proponents of tolerance trying to stifle the free speech of anyone who dares to disagree with them - whether it is attacking the opponents child, or publishing their personal information online. The politics of fear and intimidation - alive and well in the far left!


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