Ladies Logic

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Coleen Rowley - WRONG!

I posted previously on some of the reasons why Coleen Rowley is WRONG when she says that it is better to handle the global war on terror as a police action. Well thanks to the intrepid Dr. Tefft, I have five more reasons why the criminal justice system is woefully unable to handle the Islamofascists that want to impose their beliefs on the rest of the world.

1) The mastermind of the Bali bombings is release al Qaeda suspect.

"On May 23, another federal court had granted Harkat a conditional release as he awaited a ruling on an extradition request from Algeria."

3) German authorities assign crack agents to track radical Islamist with ties to 9/11 AND the Madrid bombings because they lack evidence to detain him.

"...Ayub had been sentenced in absentia in Egypt to 25 years in jail for ordering the murder of a secret-service officer. He had admitted to police he knew the Hamburg students who led the 2001 suicide hijackings in the United States.
Focus said Ayub was an associate of Rabei Osman al-Sayed, 34, who is on trial in Italy for ordering the 2004 Madrid bombings which killed 192 people. "

4) Canadian terror suspects claim they have no shot at a fair trial and then slam media blackout that guarantees their shot at a fair trial.

"Seventeen men accused of planning al Qaeda-inspired attacks across densely populated southern Ontario stand no chance of a fair trial after prejudicial comments from police and the intelligence community, one of their lawyers said on Monday."

"A publication ban on the court hearings of 17 men accused of planning al Qaeda-inspired attacks in Ontario is just another example that the men stand no chance of a fair trial, some defense lawyers said on Monday. "

5)Key FBI officials still do not understand the Islamofascists we are fighting, nor do they care to!

"Imagine a British intelligence official in charge of infiltrating terrorist groups in Northern Ireland not knowing the difference between Protestants and Catholics. And imagine his boss in MI5, England’s super-secret counterterrorism service, not only not knowing that his man had no understanding of Ireland’s centuries-long religious wars, but shrugging it off as irrelevant to his agency’s counterterror mission.

Now listen to the testimony of Gary M. Bald, the FBI’s top counterterrorism and counterintelligence official, in a legal deposition last year. Questioned under oath in a whistleblower lawsuit brought by an Arab-American FBI agent, Bald was asked whether he knew the difference between Sunni and Shia, the two strains of Islam at war with each other as much as with the United States. Bald waved off the question. “You don’t need subject matter expertise. The subject matter expertise is helpful, but it isn’t a prerequisite.”

Emphasis is mine. Politicians like Coleen Rowley want the American people to be trusting little sheep. Don't worry, we will protect you...just continue to pay your taxes and your homage to those of us who know better! They hope that if they shuffle the card often enough, we will quit paying attention to what they are doing so that they can go back to the status quo! We must never let that happen. We must be vigilent and make sure that we keep our leaders honest and doing what is right for the country - not just what is right for them and their party.

Cross posted at Savage Republican


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