Ladies Logic

Monday, June 12, 2006

Inconvenient truths about global warming.

Al Gore is at it again. He has been jetting around the world to promote his new global warming movie "An Inconvenient Truth". The frightening thing is, almost everyone realizes that this is simply the first salvo in Al's 2008 Presidential campaign.

The sad thing is, Al's campaign vehicle is based on half-truths and bad science and (worse) is scaremongering at it's most blatent. It is so bad that global warming supporters are
demanding the resignation of Max Mayfield at NOAA because he has the audacity to say out loud that there is no link between global warming and the active hurricane season, something that Al's movie treats as scientific FACT!

The real facts are this. Global Warming is a
natural phenomonon. You don't believe me, then riddle me this....what do you suppose caused the end of the last Ice Age? What do you suppose cause the ice that once covered Minnesota to recede back into Canada?

"In Nature magazine's June 1, 2006, issue, scientists demonstrate in three new studies that the area near the North Pole was a balmy 74 degrees Fahrenheit 55 million years ago. That was obviously long before the invention of the wheel, let alone the advent of hydrocarbon scares or the internal-combustion engine (which Gore has called to completely eliminate). So much for Gore's assertion that climate change is "irrevocable."

The movie states that the polar ice caps are melting and sea levels are rising, when in fact the opposite may be true!

However, the real inconvenient truth of Al's movie is this:

"His implication that he is our only hope - every ticket bought for this movie amounts to a soft-money contribution to his 2008 campaign - is ridiculous. He and his friends were in charge for eight years. His charts say global warming got worse in that time." (emphasis added)

A friend of the Logical Husband used to say this (during the height of the cold war) - even if we were to nuke Russia and Russia nuked us, it still would not spell the end of the world. For Mother Nature is resiliant and nothing that puny, pitiful mankind could do would ever be able to destroy the planet. The planet would eventually heal itself!


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