We don't need no stinking proof!
The Logical Husband sent me this story. The comment that struck us both was this, by Swiss Senator Dick Marty.
"Even if proof, in the classical meaning of the term, is not as yet available, a number of coherent and converging elements indicate that such secret detention centers did indeed exist in Europe," he wrote, saying this warranted further investigation."
Even if proof IN THE CLASSICAL MEANING OF THE TERMis not there....in other words, even if there is no evidence we are going to investigate and imply wrongdoing.....
WOW.....it is just stunning what lengths certain people will go to.....sigh....
"Even if proof, in the classical meaning of the term, is not as yet available, a number of coherent and converging elements indicate that such secret detention centers did indeed exist in Europe," he wrote, saying this warranted further investigation."
Even if proof IN THE CLASSICAL MEANING OF THE TERMis not there....in other words, even if there is no evidence we are going to investigate and imply wrongdoing.....
WOW.....it is just stunning what lengths certain people will go to.....sigh....
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