Just what we need....
another "sin" tax....The AMA is meeting in Chicago this week and on the agenda is a discussion about throwing their support behind a "small" tax on soft drinks! While the AMA committee had no set amount in mind, a "consumer" group - the Center for Science in the Public Interest - has recommended a $0.01 per unit tax.
In a report that aired on Fox 9 News this morning, a spokesperson for the group admitted that the penny per unit tax won't stop people from drinking soft drinks, but it will certainly raise money and in a nutshell that is what it is all about.....raising more money for the government to spend on useless programs designed to make the nanny staters feel good because they are "doing something".
In a report that aired on Fox 9 News this morning, a spokesperson for the group admitted that the penny per unit tax won't stop people from drinking soft drinks, but it will certainly raise money and in a nutshell that is what it is all about.....raising more money for the government to spend on useless programs designed to make the nanny staters feel good because they are "doing something".
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