Mean It!
Another reason for starting this particular blog was to highlight the writings of some of some of the wonderful women conservative writers out there. These are the ladies who inspire me to think, to dream, to write and to otherwise get involved. None is as brilliant as Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal. Her writings are intelligent, straight forward and she makes the complex understandable. This article is a classic case in point.
"The American people right now are not in a mood to trust any political plan, proposal or policy that seems complicated--highly involved, technical, full of phased-in elements and glide paths and Part C's.
They are against complexity not because they don't think life is complex. They know it's complex. They know it because they live it every day. They assume public policy issues are also complicated. They know there are facts they don't know, which probably have to be factored in as policy is developed. But more and more they recoil from complicated, lengthy, abstruse proposals.
Because they think--they assume, at this point, reflexively--that slithery, slippery professional politicians are using and inventing complications to obfuscate and confuse. They think politicians are using complexity to create great clouds in which they can make their escape, like a cartoon character, like Road Runner.
They think modern politicians hide in complexity. They think politicians evade responsibility with it. We can't do the right thing, it's too complicated! Americans don't trust "comprehensive plans," because they don't trust the comprehensive planners."
Her solution?
"Message to political leaders: You better mean it, or they'll never let you do your phased-in multitiered comprehensive plan anymore."
There is a lot of logic...a lot of common sense in what Ms. Noonan says. I hope that our political leaders pay attention and heed what this logical lady has to say!
"The American people right now are not in a mood to trust any political plan, proposal or policy that seems complicated--highly involved, technical, full of phased-in elements and glide paths and Part C's.
They are against complexity not because they don't think life is complex. They know it's complex. They know it because they live it every day. They assume public policy issues are also complicated. They know there are facts they don't know, which probably have to be factored in as policy is developed. But more and more they recoil from complicated, lengthy, abstruse proposals.
Because they think--they assume, at this point, reflexively--that slithery, slippery professional politicians are using and inventing complications to obfuscate and confuse. They think politicians are using complexity to create great clouds in which they can make their escape, like a cartoon character, like Road Runner.
They think modern politicians hide in complexity. They think politicians evade responsibility with it. We can't do the right thing, it's too complicated! Americans don't trust "comprehensive plans," because they don't trust the comprehensive planners."
Her solution?
"Message to political leaders: You better mean it, or they'll never let you do your phased-in multitiered comprehensive plan anymore."
There is a lot of logic...a lot of common sense in what Ms. Noonan says. I hope that our political leaders pay attention and heed what this logical lady has to say!
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