Ladies Logic

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Block the Vote - DNC Style.

The Democract spin machine at the New York Times is already laying the groundwork from claims of Republican election fraud this year. Whether it is this Paul Krugman commentary or this editorial, the Times is out front and center accusing Republicans of voter fraud .

"The latest sign that Republicans have an election-year strategy to shut down voter registration drives comes from Ohio. As the state gears up for a very competitive election season this fall, its secretary of state, J. Kenneth Blackwell, has put in place "emergency" regulations that could hit voter registration workers with criminal penalties for perfectly legitimate registration practices. The rules are so draconian they could shut down registration drives in Ohio."

Now to be fair, as far as the Democrats are concerned, ANY effort to weed out fraudulent voters, whether it be as simple as producing a state issued ID when you show up to vote or signing a document stating that you are legally eligible to vote is voter fraud. However, their concern is disingenious at best.

"A report by a voting rights group regarding allegations of voter fraud, intimidation and suppression during the 2004 presidential election has found that "paid Democrat operatives were far more involved in voter intimidation and suppression activities than were their Republican counterparts during the 2004 presidential election."

Ow - that's gonna leave a mark! Then there is the blatent "help" that the DNC is getting from their allies in the "dead-tree media".

More insideous though is the ultimate in voter disenfranchisment that is being advocated for by the media - including the sages of Portland Avenue.

"The ingenious scheme was developed by John R. Koza, a Stanford professor who also invented the scratch-off lottery ticket. It calls on state legislatures to pass a measure dictating that all the electoral votes from that state go to the winner of the national popular vote. It goes into effect only if enough states approve it to represent a majority of the electoral votes. In other words, if states that represent at least 270 of the 538 electoral votes all approve the measure, the winner of the popular vote nationwide would automatically win the presidency. It thus renders the Electoral College moot without eliminating it."

This "scheme" is being proposed by the elites on the coasts because they know that this is the only way for them to win right now. The only "ideas" that the loyal opposition has right now, seems to be ideas on how to steal elections rather than how to win them!


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