Ladies Logic

Friday, July 14, 2006

Finding their religion

The Democrats are working hard to try to "find" religion. Chairman Dean is speaking of religion, Senator Clinton is speaking of religion, Senator Obama is speaking of religion. They all speak of religion, but do they really understand religion? Based on this, I would say the answer is a resounding "NO":

"As part of the Democratic Reunion campaign, resources have been made available to assist those canvassing their neighborhoods on behalf of the Democratic Party. A canvassing tip sheet at the website instructs volunteers to discuss the issues important to their neighbors and then lists things to look for in order to get an idea of what those issues are. The first two items listed are:
Bumper stickers or window decals: What issues are brought up? Do they indicate issue preferences? Do they indicate particular values?
Religious items: Do they have any religious items in view? What can you tell by the nature of their religious display?”
The tip sheet continues, “Take a quick look around. What do you see and what might it tell you about the person whose home you are visiting? What might each of the cues listed below tell you about the voters who live there?” Cues then listed include “religious symbols,” “U.S. flag,” “well tended flower garden” and “expensive car.”

So a US flag, a well tended flower garden and expensive cars are "indicative" of religion according to the Democratic Party? If that is the case, then they will definately misjudge my neighbor, an NEA Democrat. They have well tended gardens and a Volvo. Another Democrat that I know has a lit American flag in his front yard and fairly well tended gardens. One is "religious" the other is not. How is a poor canvaser supposed to tell, based on that, whether the house is "religious" or not?

Here is a hot tip for the Democrats. If you really, really want to connect with religious values voters, don't look for the WWJD bumper sticker or the cross hanging on the wall...GET THEE TO CHURCH and hear what is being spoken in the pulpits of America. Don't you campaign from the pulpit, listen to what the pastor is teaching! Talk to the congregants and find out what is important to them. Don't dictate from on high with the assumption that you "understand" them because you understand the symbolism.

One thing the author touches on, something I have commented on repeatedly is the "schizophrenic nature" that the Democratic Party has about religion. They campaign from the pulpit constantly and yet if a conservative speaks to a church or if a conservative church hands out voters guides, the same Democrats cry foul. They speak of what their religion means to them, but heaven help the conservative who does the same....that is untenable! Liberal pastors speak out on politics - WELCOME fellow traveller. Conservative pastor tries to do the same....well we can't have violates the so called seperation of church and state!

The Democrats need to make up their minds. Do they want to keep religion out of politics? Or do they want to engage religious voters?


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