Ladies Logic

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Imagine a world without the US

Peter Brooks does just that in his July 4 op/ed in the New York Post.

"The picture isn't pretty. Absent U.S. leadership, diplomatic influence, military might, economic power and unprecedented generosity, life aboard planet earth would likely be pretty grim, indeed. Set aside the differences America made last century - just imagine a world where this country had vanished on Jan. 1, 2001. "

Let's see - without a United States of America to come to the rescue where would the Indonesian government be in it's recovery from the Christmas Eve (2004) tsunami? Whether is is earthquakes, drought, flooding or whatever else Mother Nature has throw at the world, the US has been the first on site with helicopters for rescue, food, potable water and dollars to help the stricken.

"On security, the United States is the global balance of power. While it's not our preference, we are the world's "cop on the beat," providing critical stability in some of the planet's toughest neighborhoods. "

Right now there is a multitude of voices calling for the US to "do something" in Korea. Former Vice President Walter Mondale even suggested (to a Minneapolis television station) that the US take "pre-emptive" measures to stop Kim Jong Il's weapons tests. Yet every time we do "do something", those that made the calls then say "but not that!"

"Also missing would be other gifts from "Uncle Sugar" - starting with 22 percent of the U.N. budget. That includes half the operations of the World Food Program, which feeds over 100 million in 81 countries.
Gone would be 17 percent of UNICEF's costs to feed, vaccinate, educate and protect children in 157 countries - and 31 percent of the budget of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, which assists more than 19 million refugees across the globe. "

Let's also make sure that we mention the prime real estate that their headquarters sits on in Manhattan! Between the $8.5 million that was spent for the land (back in 1954) or the $65 million intrest free loan that was given to build it, the US has born the lions share of the costs of running this "global organization".

"The United States is the world's economic engine. We not only have the largest economy, we spend 40 percent of the world's budget on R&D, driving mind-boggling innovation in areas like information technology, defense and medicine.
We're the world's ATM, too, providing 17 percent of the International Monetary Fund's resources for nations in fiscal crisis, and funding 13 percent of World Bank programs that dole out billions in development assistance to needy countries. "

Indeed - where would the African continent be without the millions of dollars in relief that the US sends every year!

"And what does Uncle Sam get in return? Mostly grief, especially from all the ungrateful freeloaders who benefit tremendously from the global "public goods" we so selflessly provide with our time, effort, blood and treasure. How easily - and conveniently - they forget . . . unless they need help, of course.
But let us never forget, especially today, that despite the name-calling, the jeers, the petty jealousies, we're the envy of the world - and rightfully so. "

Indeed what do we get in return. We get accused of being stingy with our dollars, we get accused of being thugs, murderers....worse than Hitler. Now some would say, "fine - you want to play that way - we'll just withdraw within our borders and let you take care of yourself!" While I certainly understand that sentiment, I hope that my wonderful country never becomes that selfish. For that is the one thing that truly makes this country the greatest - our continued generousity with our time, our talent and our finances. For you see, this country always tries to do what is right, regardless of the reward.

So for the rest of you out there in the "global community" I have a bit of advise. Next time you want to complain that someone is not "doing enough" to solve the world's problems, take a long look in the mirror before you look over here to the US. We do have your back should you stumble, but for once could you take the lead? Especially when we have our own that are still hurting from our own natural disasters.


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