Over the last few months, you have heard CAIR warn the Western World that it should not "persecute" Muslims because of the actions of the terrorists. Recently we heard the story of a Muslim pilot who claimed that he was persecuted because he was not allowed to board a flight England because the other passengers were concerned about them. Well for the benefit of these two (and for CAIR), I thought I would give you a couple of examples of REAL persecution."Reporters Without Borders today condemned the months of harassment bythe authorities in Qina (near Luxor, in central Egypt) that forced Hala Helmy Botros to close down her blog
Aqbat Bela Hodood(Copts Without Borders) about the persecution of the Christian Copticminority, and to stop writing on this subject for other websites.
Botros, 42, who wrote under thepseudonym of Hala El-Masry, is now the target of a judicial investigation and is banned from leaving the country."
It seems to me that not being allowed to board an airplane is mild compared to what this woman is going through. Here is another one:
"Last month, CBN News brought you the story of Abdul Rahman, the Afghan man who was thrown in prison for converting from Islam to Christianity. He has since been released and has left Afghanistan.
But countless other ex-Muslims continue to face persecution--even here in the West."
Hmmmmmm - countless Christians are persecuted by MUSLIMS!!! Yet we are not supposed to persect them for their beliefs....does anyone beside me see the incongruity in that? ANYBODY?????Meanwhile the American left (you know, the tolerant ones) not to be outdone has their own method of discriminating and denegrating Christians."A slew of new books have emerged with titles like ``American Theocracy,'' and ``Kingdom Coming,'' that tackle the perceived emerging Christocracy, while op-ed-ists opine that right-wing evangelicals are directing foreign policy through the White House. Words like ``theocrats'' and ``American Taliban'' have become commonplace in describing those who fill televangelism's La-Z-Boys. "
Kathleen Parker is one of the wonderful logical ladies that I love to read and highlight here."Doubtless (Pastor John) Hagee holds his audiences in thrall, but that audience does not happen to include George W. Bush or even (cue thunderclouds) Karl Rove. Nor millions of other Christians. Despite what the anti-Christianists seem to believe, the evangelical movement is not monolithic on such issues and Hagee doesn't have an office in the State Department. "
That is what I am talking about. The anti-Christian left will tell you that Evangelical Christians, like you humble author, are h*ll bent on bringing about the second coming of Christ. The conspiracy minded will tell you that the Zionists (which is a code word for Jews and their Evangelical supporters) are willing to sacrifice all in order to bring about their version of "heaven on earth" (sound familiar?). As Ms. Parker points out, there is one little problem with that theory."Although both groups may be ``true believers,'' those who try to connect the dots of Christian belief, specifically evangelical Christianity, to Islamism seem willing to overlook the fact that Islamists praise Allah and fly airplanes into buildings while Christianists praise Jesus and pass the mustard.
And though both groups of people may use scripture to shape their approach to the public square, Islamist interpretation of doctrine permits religious expression through suicide-murder, beheadings, public stonings (preferably of women) and Jew-hating, while Christianist doctrine deals in such wimpy notions as forgiveness, tolerance, redemption and cheek-turning."
Yeah - that is a big difference between the two. Something that those suffering from BDS will never be able to see until the day they remove the blinders of hatred.