Offering Solutions
One other thing that I saw yesterday while perusing the Sunday chat fests (besides the ongoing obsession with Sarah Palin) was the democrats talking point mantra that the Republicans are "just saying no" to President Obama. Besides being just a tiny bit disingenuous (remember the Democrats said "NO" to President Bush plenty of times - especially on judicial nominees) it is also horribly untrue. I have mentioned before some of the solutions that are coming out of the House GOP caucus in the past, and there is a new one that came out yesterday that needs to be highlighted. This time it is from my dear friend and former representative John Kline (MN2).
The Democrats love to yammer about the "failed policies of the past" but remember, they controlled Congress for the last two years of the Bush Administration and policies that they enacted (and to be fair President Bush signed) in 2006 lead to those early job losses in 2008 so when they talk about "failed policies" we need to remember THEIR culpability in the failed policy generation.
OK you say - where are these solutions you talk about? Here they are....
Whether the topic is job creation, restoring savings, cutting government spending, stimulating the economy, health care reform, solving the housing crisis, energy or any other issue that this country is facing, the House Republican Caucus HAS been putting forward solutions - not just saying "NO" to the President. Anyone who propogates this talking point is flat out lying to the American people. Haven't we had enough of that?
For those of us in Washington concerned about job creation, the first Friday of each month has always been a notable occasion. That’s when the U.S. Department of Labor issues its monthly employment report detailing how many jobs were gained or lost in the previous month, along with the current unemployment rate. When I first came to Congress, these reports generally brought good news. In fact, from 2003 through the end of 2007, we saw a record 52 consecutive months of job growth. Unfortunately, that all changed in early 2008, when we saw the first job losses in more than four years. Since that time, the U.S. economy has steadily shed more jobs as the recession has deepened. Just last week, we learned that an additional 467,000 jobs were lost in June of this year, and the unemployment rate has reached 9.5 percent, its highest level in more than a quarter-century.
From the moment we saw those first 17,000 jobs lost in January of 2008, it was clear to me that we needed to embrace pro-growth policies. Now, about a year and a half later, more than 6.5 million jobs have been lost and evidence is mounting that the tax-and-spend policies advanced by congressional Democrats are not only failing to stem the tide of unemployment, they are actually making our economic problems far worse.
The Democrats love to yammer about the "failed policies of the past" but remember, they controlled Congress for the last two years of the Bush Administration and policies that they enacted (and to be fair President Bush signed) in 2006 lead to those early job losses in 2008 so when they talk about "failed policies" we need to remember THEIR culpability in the failed policy generation.
I serve as the Senior Republican on the House Education and Labor Committee. It’s ground zero for legislation that impacts American workers and employers, and under the control of Democrats, I believe it has failed to project jobs and promote economic growth. From legislation that will increase litigation in the workplace to the notoriously anti-worker card check scheme, Democrats in Washington have put special interests ahead of the people’s interests. Add to that a failed “stimulus” that cost close to $1 trillion yet still hasn’t produced the jobs it promised; a national energy tax in the form of cap-and-trade; and the impending government takeover of our health care system, and a future of permanent economic stagnation seems almost inevitable.
OK you say - where are these solutions you talk about? Here they are....
It doesn’t have to be this way. Republicans are committed to pro-growth policies that will get our economy back on track without saddling future generations with unmanageable debt. We offered a stimulus plan that would have created twice the jobs for half the price. We have developed a health care proposal that will make health care more affordable, reduce the number of uninsured Americans, and increase quality – all at a price our country can afford. And we plan to continue acting as the party of better solutions, rejecting Democrats’ plans to expand government at the expense of individuals and pushing for commonsense, bipartisan solutions to the many challenges we face. With the right policies, I’m confident we can return the first Friday of each month into an occasion worth celebrating once again.
Whether the topic is job creation, restoring savings, cutting government spending, stimulating the economy, health care reform, solving the housing crisis, energy or any other issue that this country is facing, the House Republican Caucus HAS been putting forward solutions - not just saying "NO" to the President. Anyone who propogates this talking point is flat out lying to the American people. Haven't we had enough of that?
Labels: John Kline, Rep. Rob Bishop, Solutions
As you well know, the GOP has put forth very little besides proposals for cutting government spending (which they forgot to do when Bush was President) and more tax cuts for the rich.
The Party of NO has earned its new name. For example, the eight Republican House members who voted for Waxman-Markey were vehemently denounced as "cap-and-traitors," and party hard-liners demanded they change their votes.
rmwarnick, at 12:21 PM
And we ALL KNOW that the Democrats do nothing but spend money that they don't have....
Seriously Richard - follow the links. Just because you WISH something to be so does not make it so and no amount of you parroting "NO ALTERNATIVES, NO ALTERNATIVES" is going to change the FACT that the GOP IS proposing alternative legislation and the Democrats are shutting them out of the legislative process and the voter of America ARE REALIZING IT!
Ignore it if you wish....
The Lady Logician, at 9:47 PM
Elections have consequences. If the GOP wants to run Congress and the White House again, they will have to find a way to regain the trust of the people.
Which will be hard, after the fiasco of the Bush administration.
rmwarnick, at 12:21 PM
Agreed Richard, but that is completely DIFFERENT than your claim that the Republicans have no solutions now isn't it????
The Lady Logician, at 8:40 PM
Oh and as far as the Republicans chances go, given the fiasco that the DEMOCRATS are in the middle of, I'm sure the RNC likes their odds right about now. Given that the President's "passion index" is at a negative 8% and the Republicans are leading in the generic ballot AND in "self identification" polls for the last two months if things don't change for Democrats soon, the Republicans are not going to have too many problems in 2010 at a minimum...
The Lady Logician, at 8:46 PM
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