Ladies Logic

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Sound familiar?

It was overrun by illegal immigrants, who at first assimilated and did the jobs that "citizens" wouldn't do but later didn't, it's army was spread thin in conflicts throughout the world. It had a huge trade deficit with it's trade partners and was outsourcing many of it's essential jobs. "Asian" terrorists were attacking it's outposts and more of the citizens of it's capital were on welfare than there were supporting the welfare recepients. The citizens preferred violence for their entertainment and immorality and injustice were rampant.

The US today? No, Rome in the days before her fall. Will America wake up and learn a lesson from the past or are we doomed to repeat it? It's up to us.

The 5th-Century historian Salvian wrote: "O Roman people be ashamed...Let nobody think otherwise, the vices of our bad lives have alone conquered us." If we are not ashamed, soon some philosopher will be saying the same thing about America.


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