Ladies Logic

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Finish it!

You won't see this on your nightly news program.

"Al-Qaeda in Iraq has recruiting problems. Allah be praised! "

No, if you watch your nightly news program you probably didn't hear that. You heard that everything we are doing in Iraq is giving al Qaeda more recruits didn't you? Of course you did. However is that really the case?

"Yet we are told that terrorists are nevertheless having a recruitment heyday over it. If so, why? Because they can. They hate the United States -- they've been teaching this hatred in their mosques and madrassas long before Iraq, long before 9/11 -- and they have exploited our justifiable intervention by warring against us in Iraq and enticing others to join their cause with their (and the Democrats') Bush-and-America-slamming propaganda." (emphasis mine)

The Iraq War is not a set is not increasing the hatred of the West. The Imams have been teaching war against the west for decades. Nothing we do now or in the future will change that.

So what does this mean for us? It means that those who are campaigning on the "redeployment" strategy in Iraq are wrong. They have proven by their votes that they are not serious about persuing those who would kill Americans. So given that, why should we vote for them? They have had their opportunities to get serious about fighting the terrorist threat. They had 30 years worth of opportunities. They did nothing. Now someone IS doing something about it. It's time to finish the job.


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