Ladies Logic

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Free speech for me, but not for thee

This is a precursor of what conservative talk radio and the internet can expect to see more if should the Democrats take control in November. This from "progressive" Seattle:

"When the state's government imposed a 9.5-cents-per-gallon increase in the gas tax, John Carlson and Kirby Wilbur of station KVI began advocating repeal by initiative. Proponents of repeal put up a Web site, hoping to raise 1,000 volunteers and $25,000. In two days they had 6,500 and $87,000. Needing 224,880 signatures to put repeal on the ballot, they got 400,996.
Appalled by this outburst of grass-roots democracy, some local governments, which stood to gain many millions from the tax, unleashed a law firm that would gain substantially from handling the bond issues the tax would finance. The firm set out to muzzle Carlson and Wilbur, using the state's campaign regulations. "

How many cities have local hosts like Carlson and Wilber. I know Minneapolis has one. The sad thing is, I can easily see our enlightened, tolerant progressives trying to shut Jason Lewis down for any number of issues that he has taken a strong stand on!

I have long said that the left is intolerant of any speech that they disagree with. When they can't legislate it out, they try to shout it down! Just one more reason for Conservatives to make sure that they get to the polls in November.


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