Ladies Logic

Monday, October 02, 2006


I don't expect to hear any hue and cry from the so-called women's groups over this:

"Amnesty International has issued an urgent appeal calling on its members to write letters to the Republic of Iran asking them not to stone seven women. Nearly all of the women have been sentenced to die by stoning for adultery. Officially Iran had placed a moratorium on the cruel and painful practise in 2002, but Amnesty claims sentencing continues. The group has received credible reports that two people were stoned to death in May. "

I suppose it is a slight moral victory that AI is actually raising the alarm about what is happening to these women. Heaven knows if we were to wait for NOW or a similar women's rights movement, we'd never hear about it. But then again, Sequel over at Anti-Strib has been raising this alarm for over a year.


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