Ladies Logic

Friday, October 06, 2006

It's about time!

Some states and counties across the country are stepping up to do what the federal government refuses to do!

"CHARLOTTE -- Police here operated for years under what amounts to a "don't ask, don't tell" policy toward illegal immigrants.
As elsewhere in the United States, law enforcement officers did not check the immigration status of people they came into contact with, and in the vast majority of cases, a run-in with the law carried little threat of deportation.
But that accommodation for the burgeoning illegal population ended abruptly in April, when the Mecklenburg County sheriff's office began to enforce immigration law, placing more than 100 people a month into deportation proceedings. Some of them had been charged with violent crimes, others with traffic infractions."

While the usual suspects are making the usual claims of discrimination, the Mecklenburg County Sheriff reminded them of the one nagging little fact that can not be ignored.

"When any of them cross that border without proper documentation, they've violated the law -- however insignificant it may seem to some people," he said."

I have heard all of the claims (from the immigration advocates) that the illegals are all honest, hardworking, law abiding citizens. However that is a totally dishonest statement to make about people whose first act in coming to this country was to do so illegally! The advocates seem to need to be reminded of that.


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