Teacher knows best
At least the Minneapolis School District thinks so. Katherine Kersten, the much maligned token conservative at the Prairie Pravda, wrote a column this week about a situation that happened this school year in a Minneapolis school.
"Gena Bounds, a mother of three, described it this way: "On September 15 I gave my kids a big hug after school, but something was clearly wrong."
Bounds' 7-year-old daughter, Darriell, explained the situation to her mother. "She told me that her teacher had read the class a book about a girl with two moms," says Bounds. "Then he told them that he's gay and that he and his partner are adopting a child, and the child will have two dads. Now Darriell thinks the school is telling her she needs to believe that two daddies or two mommies is the same thing as a mom and a dad."
Dennis Prager just interviewed Ms. Bounds on his program today. Ms. Bounds said that this is not the first time that she has had this discussion with her school. Last year, her eldest daughter (who was in 2nd grade at the time) told her that they were read the same book, "Asha's Mums", and that it made her uncomfortable. She went to the principal and expressed her displeasure with the situation and she said at no time was she advised that she had an option to get her kids out of the indoctrination if she so chose. So this year, when her twins were set to go into 2nd grade at the same school, she went to the teacher (the gay male) and said that she did not feel that her children were emotionally ready for any GLBT teachings and that she wanted to let him know up front that she did not want her twins in any class involving GLBT teaching. According to Ms. Bounds, the teacher went into detail about his "alternative lifestyle" and basically told her too bad her kids were being exposed to the teaching whether she wanted it or not!
That in itself is intolerable, but then you get this letter to the editor in yesterday's Pravda.
"Parents who claim that schools are undermining their authority over their kids need to actually begin doing some real parenting.
Teaching about diversity of sexual orientation is but one of many topics that schools and society must present to all children and, when necessary, parents as well. Parents who feel threatened by topics such as these are themselves victims of narrow-minded, homophobic influences which seem to be all too prevalent.
Society and children are better served by programs like "Families All Matter" than they are by timid school programs that neither challenge the mind nor engage the spirit. AMaze should be a required program in all public schools and parents should read the materials as well as kids. Maybe then we would begin to reduce the hysteria over the present reality of homosexual people who are our neighbors and friends."
Sigh.....I can't even begin to start an answer to this....there are too many options. Even the usually articulate Dementee at KAR had a hard time starting with this...Schools love to lament the "fact" that parents need to be more involved in their childs education. Yet here this parent gets involved and she is basically told to "F'off"! Oh my head....
I continually hear "If you don't like what the public schools are teaching, then go to a private school." The problem is I pay for the public school education that the Junior Logician is getting (in the form of my tax dollars). It is my right as a consumer to monitor what my money is getting me and to complain if it is not of a quality that I expect for the money spent. If I am going to take the Junior Logician out of said public school - then my tax dollars should go with him! The person who is educating my child should get my tax dollars. PERIOD end of discussion!
People like George Hutchinson (the letter writer) love to cram their version of tolerance and diversity down everyone's throats, but the do not see the intolerance of their own position, but then again what do you expect out of a special interest group that feels that they have the right to indoctrinate your children. I find that to be both sad and highly ironic.
"Gena Bounds, a mother of three, described it this way: "On September 15 I gave my kids a big hug after school, but something was clearly wrong."
Bounds' 7-year-old daughter, Darriell, explained the situation to her mother. "She told me that her teacher had read the class a book about a girl with two moms," says Bounds. "Then he told them that he's gay and that he and his partner are adopting a child, and the child will have two dads. Now Darriell thinks the school is telling her she needs to believe that two daddies or two mommies is the same thing as a mom and a dad."
Dennis Prager just interviewed Ms. Bounds on his program today. Ms. Bounds said that this is not the first time that she has had this discussion with her school. Last year, her eldest daughter (who was in 2nd grade at the time) told her that they were read the same book, "Asha's Mums", and that it made her uncomfortable. She went to the principal and expressed her displeasure with the situation and she said at no time was she advised that she had an option to get her kids out of the indoctrination if she so chose. So this year, when her twins were set to go into 2nd grade at the same school, she went to the teacher (the gay male) and said that she did not feel that her children were emotionally ready for any GLBT teachings and that she wanted to let him know up front that she did not want her twins in any class involving GLBT teaching. According to Ms. Bounds, the teacher went into detail about his "alternative lifestyle" and basically told her too bad her kids were being exposed to the teaching whether she wanted it or not!
That in itself is intolerable, but then you get this letter to the editor in yesterday's Pravda.
"Parents who claim that schools are undermining their authority over their kids need to actually begin doing some real parenting.
Teaching about diversity of sexual orientation is but one of many topics that schools and society must present to all children and, when necessary, parents as well. Parents who feel threatened by topics such as these are themselves victims of narrow-minded, homophobic influences which seem to be all too prevalent.
Society and children are better served by programs like "Families All Matter" than they are by timid school programs that neither challenge the mind nor engage the spirit. AMaze should be a required program in all public schools and parents should read the materials as well as kids. Maybe then we would begin to reduce the hysteria over the present reality of homosexual people who are our neighbors and friends."
Sigh.....I can't even begin to start an answer to this....there are too many options. Even the usually articulate Dementee at KAR had a hard time starting with this...Schools love to lament the "fact" that parents need to be more involved in their childs education. Yet here this parent gets involved and she is basically told to "F'off"! Oh my head....
I continually hear "If you don't like what the public schools are teaching, then go to a private school." The problem is I pay for the public school education that the Junior Logician is getting (in the form of my tax dollars). It is my right as a consumer to monitor what my money is getting me and to complain if it is not of a quality that I expect for the money spent. If I am going to take the Junior Logician out of said public school - then my tax dollars should go with him! The person who is educating my child should get my tax dollars. PERIOD end of discussion!
People like George Hutchinson (the letter writer) love to cram their version of tolerance and diversity down everyone's throats, but the do not see the intolerance of their own position, but then again what do you expect out of a special interest group that feels that they have the right to indoctrinate your children. I find that to be both sad and highly ironic.
What's wrong with the book? Some families do have either two moms or two dads. The book only informs the children about the reality that not all families consist of a mom and dad and kids.
Anonymous, at 12:46 PM
What is wrong with teaching the basics (reading, writing, science, math)? Our children are falling behind the rest of the world because our teachers are busy teaching everything BUT reading and writing and arithmatic!
My problem is not with the book, it is with the school not teaching the basics that kids need to get ahead in life. That and the age....2nd grade is just a little early to be learning about sex and sexual orientation.
The Lady Logician, at 5:36 PM
What kind of logic is this, lady logician? Why do you assume that the basics aren't being taught at this school. The fact that this one book is used in the school doesn't show that at all.
Anonymous, at 8:16 PM
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