The tolerance of the left - in action again!
Just when you thought that the left couldn't be more intolerant, they prove you wrong...
"Grist Magazine’s staff writer David Roberts called for the Nuremberg-style trials for the “bastards” who were members of what he termed the global warming “denial industry.”
Roberts wrote in the online publication on September 19, 2006, "When we've finally gotten serious about global warming, when the impacts are really hitting us and we're in a full worldwide scramble to minimize the damage, we should have war crimes trials for these ba**ards -- some sort of climate Nuremberg.” (emphasis mine)
War crimes trials for those who are skeptical of their apocolyptic vision of global environmental disaster? A climate Nuremberg??? To say that this statement is "over the top" is to minimize the fanaticism of the environmental/animal rights lobby. People like this worship at the alter of environmentalism and are worse than the Islamic fascists that threaten us. The reason that I say they are worse (I do not make this claim lightly) is because of how mainstream environmental "studies" have become. The last 3 generations have been taught that mankind is the worst thing to happen to Mother Earth ever and that we are the sole cause of every damage that has ever been done to the Earth. Now I would not be so impertinant as to suggest that mankind has not done damage to the environment, but I will say that we are not the sole cause of all damage. Remember Mt. St. Helens last eruption? The damage to the area surrounding Mt. St. Helens was catastrophic and ash from the eruption was deposited in 11 states (ash was found as far away as Minnesota). Mudflows from Mt. ST. Helens killed millions of fish when their hatcheries were destroyed by the debris. Elk and deer were killed and crops were lost. Was all of this caused by man? No - it was a natural act. It is said that the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in AD79 was even larger and it did even more environmental damage. I can guarantee you there were no internal combustion engines in AD79!
Given that Mother Nature has done just as much damage to Mother Nature as mankind has, wouldn't you say that this kind of rhetoric is uncalled for?
Most important is this. The organization that employs the person calling for Nurenburg style "war crimes" trials for the global warming skeptics is supported by former Vice President Al Gore and PBS pundit Bill Moyers! These two are supposedly representatives of the modern Democratic Party. This means, this could come to fruition should the day come when their wing of the Democratic Party regains power in Washington DC. Are you ready to give them the reins of power?
"Grist Magazine’s staff writer David Roberts called for the Nuremberg-style trials for the “bastards” who were members of what he termed the global warming “denial industry.”
Roberts wrote in the online publication on September 19, 2006, "When we've finally gotten serious about global warming, when the impacts are really hitting us and we're in a full worldwide scramble to minimize the damage, we should have war crimes trials for these ba**ards -- some sort of climate Nuremberg.” (emphasis mine)
War crimes trials for those who are skeptical of their apocolyptic vision of global environmental disaster? A climate Nuremberg??? To say that this statement is "over the top" is to minimize the fanaticism of the environmental/animal rights lobby. People like this worship at the alter of environmentalism and are worse than the Islamic fascists that threaten us. The reason that I say they are worse (I do not make this claim lightly) is because of how mainstream environmental "studies" have become. The last 3 generations have been taught that mankind is the worst thing to happen to Mother Earth ever and that we are the sole cause of every damage that has ever been done to the Earth. Now I would not be so impertinant as to suggest that mankind has not done damage to the environment, but I will say that we are not the sole cause of all damage. Remember Mt. St. Helens last eruption? The damage to the area surrounding Mt. St. Helens was catastrophic and ash from the eruption was deposited in 11 states (ash was found as far away as Minnesota). Mudflows from Mt. ST. Helens killed millions of fish when their hatcheries were destroyed by the debris. Elk and deer were killed and crops were lost. Was all of this caused by man? No - it was a natural act. It is said that the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in AD79 was even larger and it did even more environmental damage. I can guarantee you there were no internal combustion engines in AD79!
Given that Mother Nature has done just as much damage to Mother Nature as mankind has, wouldn't you say that this kind of rhetoric is uncalled for?
Most important is this. The organization that employs the person calling for Nurenburg style "war crimes" trials for the global warming skeptics is supported by former Vice President Al Gore and PBS pundit Bill Moyers! These two are supposedly representatives of the modern Democratic Party. This means, this could come to fruition should the day come when their wing of the Democratic Party regains power in Washington DC. Are you ready to give them the reins of power?
A Nuremberg-style trial is a bit much but Roberts is justifiably offended about the bastards who deny that the serious global warming problem exist. The global warming deniers are largely funded by energy industry dollars. Republicans who deny global warming receive big time contributions from those energy companies. The scientifci evidence supporting existence of global warming is overwhelming. Still Bush does nothing because it would offend GOP corporate donors.
Anonymous, at 2:23 PM
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