Ladies Logic

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Mixed Messages

Talk about a mixed message. We tell our kids to turn in any guns that they find to an adult because guns are dangerous in untrained hands.

"Ryan Morgan said that he and another student heard that a gun had been stashed in a boys bathroom and they went there, finding it in a garbage can. Morgan reportedly handed the gun over to an assistant principal soon afterwards."

OK so the boys payed attention to their teachers and the parents. A good start right?

"The school board for an elementary district has chosen to have a student home schooled instead of expelling him in response to a possession of a gun incident.
The board at Troy Elementary School District made that decision Wednesday night after administrators recommended an expulsion. "

So explain this to me. You teach the kid to turn the gun in and when he does what you tell him, you expel him????? Is it any wonder why kids don't trust the authority figures in their lives?

Zero tolerance policies don't work for just this reason. There is no flexibility for situations where the kid tries to do the right thing! The school administration and school board has to maintain a little common sense! Punishing a kid for attempting to "do the right thing" and turn the gun in is insane!


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