Ladies Logic

Friday, December 01, 2006

What's the difference?

The case of the 6 praying Imams in Minneapolis has gotten me to thinking. You see, the Imams say that they have done nothing wrong...all they were doing was saying their evening prayers. Now, since the airport is owned by the Minneapolis Airports Commission - a government entity, this could (under the auspices of the Supreme Court in Abington School District v Schempp) be construed as a voliation of the so-call separation of church and state. Technically, though, since it is not "government sponsored" it will be called voluntary pray and I can live with that.

However, that leads me to a question. If the Imams type of prayer is Constitutionally guaranteed "free speech", then why is it that high school students are not allowed voluntary student led prayer at a
football game, or graduation, or before a test? Why is student lead Bible study not allowed in off school hours? Why are Christian children told that if they must say grace, that they say it "silently"? Why are Christians told to take it to their "prayer closet"?

Now I have no problem with either scenario, as long as it is applied equally to ALL FAITHS! The Imams are asking for a separate "prayer room" for their use at the airport. Is the MAC going to build a Catholic Prayer Room? A Protestant prayer room? A Buddhist Prayer room? If tax dollars go to build one, Constitutionally the MAC must build one for ALL RELIGIONS.

So here is my question to all you atheists out there is this. Is the Freedom from Religion Foundation going to sue the Imams for exposing them to their religious beliefs? Hopefully the answer is that they won't, but if they don't then that leave another sticky problem.....because then they appear to be going after one religion specifically which means that an organization that was based on stopping discrimination (of agnostics and atheists) is engaging in discrimination (of Christians) themselves. Last I looked, religious discrimination is illegal as well. Someone needs to let Annie Laurie Gaylor know that. Just to be safe.....


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