Ladies Logic

Friday, January 19, 2007

Politics makes strange bedfellows

I wonder if Senator Klobuchar's friends over at Emily's List appreciated this vote? You see, our esteemed Junior Senator voted against an amendment to S.1 (the Ethics Reform bill) that would have exempted grass roots groups like Emily's List and and the American Family Council being classified as lobbyists. Even the ACLU (H/T Mitch) was for passage of Amendment 20. You know you are in deep when you are a Democrat and even the ACLU is lined up against you.

One would wonder why the Senate would attempt such a flagrant slam on free speech, until (that is) one remembers that the Senate gave us the McCain Feingold BiPartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act (aka the Incumbent Protection Act).

Real ethics reform is going to minimize the influence of PACs and lobbyists and it is going to increase the influence of grass roots organizations and your constituents. I hope the Senate figures that out soon. Otherwise we are lost as a nation.


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